Cali Love |August Alsina Love Story|

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Chapter Six

Explanation | Cali *Picture Of Trey*

After August left I decided to call Alana up because she never texted me back last night. Me and Alana have been friends

for years and she always text or calls me back so when she didn't she either never got it or she was to pissed off to even text me back. I called Alana in hopes that she eould answer and I could explain to her why I wasn't able to make it to her birthday dinner. After three rings I was sent to voicemail where I left a message telling her to call me back asap. Now I know she got tge text and she was just mad.  As I laid on my bed and waited for some type time to pass by so I could call Lana back or for her to call me back I began to think about August and how comfortable I felt with him last night. I smiled at the thought of us being together in the future and I realized how he made me feel. He made me feel special and I never had a boy make me feel the way August makes me feel. Right before I picked my phone up to text August and see if he made it home Alana's named popped up on my phone and I slid the green button to the right and placed her on speaker phone.

"Hey" I said as I began to paint my toes with a random color that was sitting on my night stand.

"Don't hey me what the hell came up that held you from coming to my birthday dinner" She was talking loud and that's exactly why she was on speaker

I smiled "Well August came over and-"

"Yaw fucked" She said thinking that she was finishing my sentence

I made a face like she could see it "Uh no he had got into it with his moms boyfriend so he needed a place where he could calm down and i helped him clean up his face and tend to his wounds"

"Mhm only because it was a fine boy involved your off the hook but you owe be big time and I do mean big  time Cali no jokes"

"Alright I got you how about the week after my dad comes home from being overseas"

"Okay. But finish telling me what went on between you and August" I finished giving Alana the scoop which wasnt much because we fell asleep while watching Baby Boy "So you telling me yaw slept together and he aint try nothing girl hes gay"

I shook my head "Or maybe he respects me enough not to try anything"

"Girl bye! No nigga about to sleep with a girl that kooks like you and not try anything. Either he's gay or....damn I can't even think of another reason that nigga likes niggas"

She was pissing me off a little "Just because he didn't try to fuck me does not mean that hes gay maybe it means that hes not like other boys and only after one thing.  Maybe it mean that hes the one"

"Awee that's cute. But me being your best friend I gotta keep it one hunndred and tell you how it is. Your not Cinderella, he is not prince charming, and life sure in the hell aint a fairy tail. So it may be all good in the beginning but things can change real quick so dont put your all into him if he's not doing the same don't get your feelings cought in a trap you can't get em out of. Im just talking from experience" Alana was crazy but when she was serious she spoke the truth. Damn I hated it sometimes.

I placed the bottle of nail polish back on my nighstand "Yeah you right"

"I know but I'll talk to you later I love you best friend and I'll talk to you later" I said bye and hung up the phone.  The day was still young and I wss still in my pajamas so I decided to get dressef and do something with my life since no one was home.

It was nice outside so I put me on some grry sweats with a grey, white, and blue plaid over shirt with a white half shirt under it. I didn't put any makeup on because as I was getting ready I decided that I was going to go buy me a whole bunch of snacks rent some movies and chill at home. I didn't want to stay at home by myself but the more I thought about it the e more I realized that I didn't want to go anywhere or be bothered by anyone so home is where I needed to be. I grabbed my keys to my 2013 all white Lexus and headed out the door.

Mila J's song Main blasted through my speakers as I parked my car in the Walmart parking lot. The store that's always open and always packed. I grabbed me at cart and began filling it with things I wanted and not so much with things I needed. My cart was half full and I decided to checkout before I brought the whole damn store. 

"Dang you gone do this to me three minutes before break" The brown skin cashier with a fade said with a smile on his face

I smiled back "Sorry"

"Naw you good I don't mind ringing up a cart full of stuff especially when it allows me to talk to a beautiful girl" His words caused me to blush as I turned my head so I could collect myself "You aint gotta hide that your blushing"

I was still smiling as I shook my head " I'm sure flirting with their customers isn't in your job description uh...Trey" I read his blue name tag

"What they dont know won't hurt em..."


He told me my total and took my money  "Cali short for.."

"It's just Cali"

"I've never heart anyone named that how  did your parents come up with that one"

I placed mt change in my pocket "Well my parents got married in California and my mom said that when she saw me for the first time she felt the same way she felt when they got married so yeah. Corny right"

Trey made a fake sniffling sound and wiped an invisible tear from his eyes "You gone make a brotha break down"

"Whatever" I laughed "Well  I'll let you go on your break it was nice meeting you tho" I rolled my cart out to my car and began to place the bag in my trunk. As I was doing that I felt a hand lay on top of mine and take the bah from me. I turned around and it was Trey "What are you doing"

"I'm helping the pretty"

I laughed at his cornyness "Im pretty sure the term is helping the needy"

"I saw a pretty girl that seemed needy so I began to help her" He had to laugh at himself "Naw but I came to see if I could get your number"

"Trey how old are you" He looked like he could be in his mid twenties

"Twenty" We were only two years apart "How old are you"


"Awe as long as you legal we coo now can I get your number or..." I nodded and he handed me his phone so I could put my number in "Ima call you" We said our goodbyes and he walked off as I sped off in the direction of the video store with a smile on my face

August might have some competition.

Cali Love |  August Alsina Love Story |Where stories live. Discover now