Cali Love |August Alsina Love Story|

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Chapter Eight.

Kiss, Snap, Complicated | Cali

I hung up the phone and told my family to start playing because August was going to be a while. He claims he over slept and I don't know if I believe that or not, but its what he told me so ima just go with it. My dad had finally come home from being overseas and we usually have him a huge welcome home party, but this time he just wanted quality time with his family. He got here on Thursday and that was his chill and relax day,  then Friday just my dad Asia and I went out to eat did a little and  shopping and went to to a movie, Sarurday is the day were we're bowling and then him and my mom are going off and having their day together until Sunday when we have our big family dinner. Everyone had their significant other at the bowling alley with them and I was just sitting there feeling like the fifth wheel. Asia had her boyfriend Calvin there and my parents were being all lovey dovey Klein like that couldn't wait until tonight and me I'm just hoping August shows like he said he was.

"Is your friend still coming" My dad asked as he tied the laces on his bowling shoes.

I shrugged and let out a sigh "Yeah he's just running late, but he'll be here soon" I told my dad what I hoped was true only cause I didn't want to hear what my daddy had to say.

"Mhm" Was all he said and then he went to find him a ball.

When it came to boys my dad is a no go. He is very protective over Asia and I something it gets on our nerves because he will do the absolute most. He acts like one of those dads on those movies where they sit the boy that their daughter is talking to or dating and they threaten him and tells him that he has a gun and all that good and extra stuff. Yeah that's my dad, but when I ask him what he thinks about a boy he has always been right.

Im about to pull into the parking lot - Aug ♥

I placed my phone in my back pocket and headed outside where I saw him trying to find him a parking spot. When he found one I walked over to his car just so I could talk to him before we went inside. I needed to know if he was ready and to warn him about the way my dad might act. As I said before he could be a bix extra and over the top.

"Sorry I over slept" He hugged me tight.

I gave him a little smile "Your good are you ready to meet my dad"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be"

"I don't know I was just asking heads up he's a little extra so he might say some off the wall stuff just ignore him" August shut the door to his car and I began to walk off, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. I leaned against the car "What Aug"

"You mad"

I shook my head "No" I was lying just a little,  but I wasn't angry enough to speak on it some things you just keep to yourself.

August smiled and I almost melted "Ight so since you not mad I can get a kiss right"

I was about to tell him no, but then I remembered how right it felt when we kissed and I couldn't pass the feeling up. So I stood on my tip toes and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, but August felt like it wasn't enough so he bent down and kissed me except this time it was a more passionate kiss. Gawd I loved kissing his lips.

"Oh I'm tellin daddy" Asia shouted from the entrance of this bowling alley.

August pulled away and smiled "You betta not be mad after that" I laughed and hit him playfully in his stomach. I grabbed his hand and led him into the building.

August and I walked in the building holding hands and by the way his hand was sweating I could tell that he was nervous. We walked over to our lane and my dad was about to throw the ball. He threw it down the neon green lane and got a strike. He was good.

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