Chapter 2

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            Each island in this world had 2 town in it. So the island was called with 2 names at once. Every island had their own uniqueness, either it was from the people's power or from what they had. Each island was separated by the ocean, so people need to use a boat or a ship to get across. So far, there were 8 main island that was already developed well and advanced with much technologies that facilitate the people in it. Gravola & Gredote Island was the place where Blate's school was built and the place where Stargazer's struggle started, Colorlight & Purelight where Snowflare lived was supposed to be the main source of everybody's power, Blamehope & Bledrolf Island was for the healers and the astronomers, Yedemore & Yelfare where the farmers and cattlemans worked, Blujester & Blynfersh was the coldest island with mountains and hills, therefore all the people always wore a scarf with many variants, Whealjest & Whofle was where the famous people lived aka the richest and most advanced  island, Odremesh & Ovelate Island where most of intelligent people lived and so far this was the most peaceful and the safest island because they had military base in it, too, and the last island was Pintraus & Pinvymelt Island which was the most cultured island and filled with so much diversity. Besides these main islands, there were also small islands that were scattered on the entire sea. Some of them still haven't been discovered.


             Night had come, Blate was doing her homework with Blord sitting on her lap.
"Well 8 times 9 equals hmm.. Ah 72."
Suddenly, something knocked on her door. It did not sound like a human. It sounded like chained thing knocking her door.
"Huh? Really? At this hour?" she sighed as she got up from her chair. She put Blord on the floor carefully.

When she opened the door, she only saw another person's room across her door. She watched around if somebody had left. But nothing, everything were like nothing had came here. But, Blord just stared at the door like something was there.
"Did you see something, Blord?" she looked at Blord, she knew that Blord must've seen something there. It gave her goosebumps, then she closed the door.

"Come on, Blord let's just go to the bed. You must be feeling something, and I don't like it. Fuck.. I think I just hallucinating." she guided Blord to walked straight to the bed with her hand. But, something knocked again and this time it was more louder. Blate turned her body slowly. Her hands were trembled. She walked slowly and opened the door. She peeked. All of sudden, her room was cold but hot at the same time and a creature appeared filling her room. It was like some kind of smoke with big scary eyes and chained hand within it. Blate couldn't say anything, she was in shock. She fell on her back looking at those horrifying thing.

"UGH" Brakk.... Blate's woke up from that nightmare and she fell from her bed. She looked at her hand, luckily it still there. She sighed and that fall really took a hit on her back. Blord who was startled stood up quickly to avoid carrying the weight of 15 years old girl.

"O shit, my back hurts. Geez, almost hit you girl, sorry. Ah it's 7 am, sorry alarm, this time you can't make me get into another punishment." she talked to Blord while petting it. Blord looked confused at first but continued to licking her owner's cheeks.

She turned off the alarm so it wouldn't bother her anymore. She took a bath, brushed her teeth, took her phone and packed her book.
"Whowee, thanks for the nightmare it woke me early. I don't know that nogjtmares gonna be this fun." she said it with no fear in her face anymore. Woke up earlier made her forgot how terrified she was in the nightmares. She walked proudly through the hall and saw Mrs. Mazery.
"Well, you already realize now. Don't forget about your punishment." said Mrs. Mazery looking at Blate with her satired eyes.
Blate was just walking happily and didn't even take a look at the principal. She just rolled her eyes and went to her locker.
"Hold on, my sketchbook was still with Ms. Ruff. Ugh, I must get that after class." she whispered while slammed her locker door.

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