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Interviewer: So, tell me about Metawin.

Bright: *smiles* Oh, of course, Win was the person that I love and cherish the most. He was so sweet, clingy, and just overall the best boyfriend in the entire universe. Win would always have this amazing smile that brightens up the room, and it was very contagious which would then make everyone smile, as well. And Win was very neat and tidy with everything, so much that I can't make even a small spot of dirt in our house. *chuckles*

Interviewer: *Hums* So, how did the two of you meet?

Bright: Hmm...we were from the same industry and the same agency. I already debuted and had a few projects of my own when he started acting. He was definitely very good for a first-timer, and he exceeded everyone's expectations of him. Something that I'd always be so proud of him, he was just amazing. Our first series together was 2gether *chuckles*. I played the role of Sarawat and he played my love interest, Tine. He was so good, so lovely, so beautiful, and such a versatile actor.

Interviewer: Indeed. Everyone loved him when he became Tine, right? 

Bright: A lot of people still love him.

Interviewer: Of course. How about you, what did you love about him?

Bright: Everything, Win was my everything and I loved every single thing that he did and every single thing about him, especially his very big heart and pleasing personality. Win was the whole package. *Deep sigh* I remember very well when we decided to move in together, Win would be stuck on me like a koala. He was such a baby, and he'd give me that cute little pout and puppy eyes whenever he wanted my attention. *Sniffs* Oh God, I really never thought that I'd fall in love with a man - but I certainly did, and I wouldn't be ashamed of it.

Interviewer: Don't be ashamed of it. Can you tell us more about Win?

Bright: Let me see...whenever he's nervous, his fingers would unconsciously spasm and he fiddles a lot. So I take his hand in mine, squeeze it a tad, before giving the back of his hand a kiss to let him know that I was there with him. And he would give me a nod, and kiss my cheeks, or sometimes he'd just lean his head on my shoulder until it was time for us to go to the stage. *Chuckles* And once he's on stage, Win would just enjoy it and I love seeing him have fun with me and our fanbase. He was so precious, and he would do anything that he could to give our fans the love and warmth that they deserved. He was so sweet.

Interviewer: *Nods* What were your plans?

Bright: Oh, we were planning to get married this February right after his birthday. We have everything planned out, and he was very excited to get married - I was, too. We were the happiest but... *sniffles* ...he was taken away from me too soon.

Interviewer:  *Hands a box of tissue*

Bright: Win died the day after my birthday, he just celebrated it with me for the last time. He was diagnosed with cancer months before and was told that he only had two months to live. But he was a miracle, and the two months became three, four, and almost half-a-year. To be perfectly frank, when he was still alive, it was pretty hard and hurtful for me because there wasn't anything that I could do to ease the pain. Sometimes, I'd wake up from his screaming and I'd just embrace him while I cry my heart out, and Win would just continuously say that his head hurts. He would beg for the pain to go away, for it to stop. *Sniffles* I couldn't do anything, and it hurts seeing the person that you love the most suffer from the pain alone - that I couldn't share that pain to at least lessen it. It was too hurting, so heartbreaking, so unbearable, but Win fought really hard.

Interviewer: ...

Bright: I kept telling him that it was okay, that he had done a great job of fighting and I told him to rest. But Win would just tell me that he'll continue fighting for me, for us...he was so brave, so strong...the strongest person that ever existed in my life. Stronger than I could ever be.

Interviewer: He was.

Bright: During his last moments, Win kept on apologizing because he was already so tired and he wanted to rest. And I kept on assuring him that it was okay for him to leave, that I would be fine, and that I wouldn't be selfish - that I'd let him go if he's ready. I kept on telling him that he did a great job, and he was very strong, and that I love him so much with all of my heart. *Wipes tears and sighs* Until that very day, Win flashed me his bunny smile for the last time and squeezed my hand really tight until it loosened. And I know, right there and then that he was gone, that I would never be able to spend my waking days with him. That Win wouldn't be waiting for me to come home from the taping and shower me with his kisses. That no one would get mad if I make a mess in the kitchen, or in the living room, or in our bedroom. *Chuckles* That I had to let him go, too soon...too soon. *Wipes his tears*

Interviewer: If Win is watching you now, what would you say to him?

Bright: *Sniffs and smiles* My baby bunny, thank you for loving me and for fighting for me for a very long time. You did a very good job, my love, so please take a rest now and don't worry about me. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to fulfill my promise to bring you to the altar, say our vows, and show the whole world that you're mine. But maybe, in another life, or in another universe - we'd meet again, and fall in love again, and maybe when that time comes - I'd be able to fulfill my promises to you. I love you so much, Win. Please rest well, my love.

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