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Now more than ever, Bright feels that everything that he had worked so hard to achieve for and hold unto is slipping away from his fingers. His parents, just told them a few months ago that they will be having their divorce, and that Bright and his older brother Joss would be able to fend for themselves since they are both old enough. Besides, his company is slowly becoming well-known in the US right after being promoted by his best friends New and Tay who are also very much well-known models. Bright is financially stable but that doesn't mean that he does not need his parents to guide him, but of course, he still has his brother who is there to support him. Aside from that, he was supposed to get married to his girlfriend, Gigi.

A month ago, he proposed to Gigi and she said yes. They were both really happy, and Bright was very much eager to get married that they planned everything very quickly - and tonight was the night before their wedding. But everything changed when he arrived at their home and he heard two people having a conversation through the door, and he knew right there and then that it was his fiancee and his brother. Even if he doesn't want to believe that they could do it to him, he still stayed and listened to the conversation.

"I told you that I don't want to marry him! I want to marry you, why are you asking me to continue the wedding?! Why can't you fight for me?!"

"Gigi, calm down. Bright is not emotionally stable nowadays because of our parents, and we are the only ones that he trusts. I cannot break my brother's heart and tell him that his fiancee and brother are actually fucking behind his back!"

"Damn you, Joss! We're not just fucking! I told you before that I love you, and I only approached your brother so that I could get closer to you! Why can't you let his heart just break? He's old enough to mend his heart! But not me. I want you, Joss! Please."

Silence. Bright stepped away from the door with a heavy heart just hearing those exchanges, but he wasn't really surprised anymore. Sure, he was disappointed because he actually thought that Gigi had fallen in love with him after being together for three years - and that she wasn't actually aiming for Joss. But everything was wrong, and he found himself driving and crying at the same time until he reaches a destination that he isn't sure how he managed to not bang his car somewhere.

At the present, Bright holds on to the railing of the bridge and is ready to let go while the earth shared his pain - it is raining, and it makes him more emotional, vulnerable, and broken because it was as if the sky is doing the same thing. Bright, for the last time, raises his head to the sky and allows the raindrop to hit his face and run to his face together with his tears with eyes closed. He is ready, and he thinks that jumping off the bridge is the best solution to all of his problems, and all of the pain that he has in his heart would also disappear if he does not live any longer. He breathes in a lot of air when he suddenly no longer feel the rain hitting his face making his eyes snap open and finds himself under an umbrella.

"Are you okay?" A male's voice makes him look at the other side, and for a moment - he is lost in the male's beauty.

"Are you planning to jump and die?" he asks, and Bright gulps down hard as he looks at the raging river beneath him before looking up at the male, and shakes his head. The male smiles.

"Here, hold my hand and I'll help you out," he says whilst holding out his hand which Bright reaches, and yes, he helps Bright, and they are soon standing underneath the man's umbrella.

"Thank you," Bright utters, and looks down with a blush on his face because he can't look at the male - not because he is embarrassed, but because he finds the man really beautiful. And he is conflicted for the reason that he is straight, but his heart wouldn't really stop beating so hard against his chest just being this close to the guy.

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