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Passing through the doors, Hongjoong made his way at the end of the long rectangular table, and bowed to his parents, which he then proceeded to go to his designated seat.

Seated in front of him was his mother and his father at his left side, who sat at one of the two ends of the clothed table facing the entrance.

The royal family started to eat in silence, nothing but the clattering of silverware could only be heard. While eating, Hongjoong noticed the slight tension in the air, he glanced at both of his parents and caught a glimpse of how they looked at one another. He then remembered his conversation with Maddox.

"Uh... Forgive me for asking but, is there anything you want to tell me? Mother? Father?" nervousness started to settle in his body as the prince awaited his parents response.

"Actually, there is something we wanted to tell you about darling"

"Okay, what is it?"

The queen looked at her husband and nodded for him to continue.

"The other kingdoms are coming here in two days"

"What do you mean other kingdoms father? Did you meant about Yunho, Yeosang and Wooyoung's? Or other kingdoms as in like Prince Hyunjae's or Princess Eunbi's?"

"Well, the first three, yes , they're coming here. But not the last two"

"So who are the others"

"Its the Choi, Song, and Park kingdoms who are visiting"

At the mention of the coming kingdoms, Hongjoong's whole body froze from shock, he even dropped his utensils on the plate with a clang.

It was if time had stopped, his ears started to ring, memories came flooding back into his mind like a storm, until he heard his name being called, the voice, light as a feather, smooth like silk, it was mysterious yet so familiar. Closing his eyes shut and taking a deep breath, Hongjoong was able to regain his senses, his name was being called by his mother, who now had worry etched on her face. But that voice was not the one who called him while he was in the trance-like state he had a moment ago.

Remembering that he was with his parents, Hongjoong looked at them and examined their faces carefully, as if he was making sure that this was no dream he was having, and that this was all just a trick. But alas this was real, and no matter how many times he replayed his father's words in his head, there was no tone of joking, it was a cold tone almost a flat one at most.

"But why? They cut ties with us ten years ago, why the sudden decision of going back here, when they're the ones who chose to leave?"

"Look son, me and your mother also thought that it was sudden, but we need them for the kingdom, you see the mines have been going through a dry spell. And that those three kingdoms have abandoned caves that our miners can clean out, plus they themselves are in need of more farmers, so consider it as an alliance with what happened ten years ago"

"I mean, it will be nice for the kingdom, but father you're the who is not on good terms with King Park, why the sudden change of mind?"

"I know that I told them to leave, but it was an honest mistake, and that I am doing this for the sake of our kingdom. So what do you think son?"

"I suppose its alright"

"That's great I knew you would agree, now, shall we continue dinner?"

The royal family continued to eat their almost forgotten meal, it was then the queen who spoke after some time.

"Hongjoong darling, weren't you friends with the princes of those kingdoms? Especially Queen Park's son?"

"Huh? Oh...uh yes, I was friends with them"

"Then shouldn't you be happy? Think of it as a reunion along with your other friends"

"Yup, I'm so happy"

Hongjoong was back in his bedroom, sprawled on his big bed, he was already wearing his sleeping clothes, and was just staring at the room's ceiling.

Even though his room was quiet and serene, the prince's mind was noisy and roaring. His mind was occupied with the fact that his old friends are going to be here in two days.' We'll be complete again' ' will I even recognize them?' ' I'll get to see the brothers' ' I'll see Mingi' ' and I'll see Seonghwa again' , the last thought was continuously floating around in his head. Just the mere thought of seeing the older prince again, earned Hongjoong the same tingling feeling he would feel in his body.

The prince himself didn't know what the weird yet warm sensation was, but it started a few months after Hongjoong started training with Eden, and it would always happen when he thought about Seonghwa. Even just the thought of his name would bring the feeling to life.

He only discussed the feeling with his trainer and servant, but they just thought that the prince was under the weather or that they themselves didn't know what it was. Hongjoong even read books to figure out what it was, from effects of a spell or curse to actual symptoms of a disease, but nothing came close to it, except from a novel he once read for his private lessons he had.

It was where the main character of the story fell in love with his long time friend, and the way how the book described the lead character's feeling towards his friend of interest, was spot on to what Hongjoong was feeling. But that's the problem he was facing, did he like Seonghwa?

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