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"Woah, hyung the place looks great" Jongho was the first to comment about the base.

Hongjoong wasn't going to lie and say that he didn't get at least a tad bit surprised when he saw the other princes, he was in complete and utter shock. At this point, he thought that they didn't just change, they were a whole new person.

San, who used to be a skinny kid, now he was fit and had muscle, but not too muscle-ly, and his hair, the highlight of his overall look, its color was pink, some people might think its weird but it honestly suited him, Hongjoong even remembered that as a kid San had this adorable dimpled smile, he wanted to know how he looked with it now. Jongho, still the youngest of the group but somehow grew up to be more mature based on how he looked, and from the looks of it he also gained some muscle, and just like his brother his hair color changed, from a brown to a deep, kind of like a crimson red color, which did him good. Mingi, first thing that was noticeable was his height, he was around Yunho's height probably a centimeter shorter, his hair still the same but he had clean undercut. Lastly we have Seonghwa, hair which used to be black now in sort of an ashy silver color, face more sculpted making him even more handsome than he already was, Hongjoong was sure that the older must have worked out.

"Thanks, snacks anyone?"

Leading his guests to the table which was filled with snacks, they all sat down and started to get their favorite ones, Hongjoong told the chefs to make his friends their all time favorite treats which he still remembered, he just needs to hope that it was still their favorite and it looks like it is, considering how Mingi already ate three of his favorite cookies.

Everyone was busy eating the delights, but Hongjoong wanted to have a conversation with them especially with the other four princes, so he started their conversation with some rumor Wooyoung had, and Hongjoong wanted answers if it were true or not.

"So... Wooyoung, I heard you're no longer in a relationship with Changbin, what happened?"

Hearing the news from his hyung, San suddenly choked on his juice he was drinking and was now having a coughing fit. Wooyoung who coincidentally was sitting next to him help San out by patting his back.

"Still a klutz, cute" The younger mumbled to himself, but he was close enough to the pink haired prince to hear it, who now had a little tint on his cheeks. Luckily the others shrugged it off assuming it was because from coughing to much.

"Uh yeah, me and Changbin broke it off, but in my defense it was not my fault he was seeing someone else behind my back for a week, but then again, I wasn't interested in him that much as well. I would have preferred Prince Yeonjun, he at least told me he he fell in love with someone else instead of leading me on"

After his little rant, Wooyoung continued eating the tart he had on his plate, while the other four princes did not get what he meant, San who was more curious than the other three dared ask.

"Changbin? Prince Yeonjun? I'm sorry but, care to elaborate a little more?"

"Oh right, well Woo's father wanted him to experience the arts of early courtship, he said something about 'finding what you need to find in someone' or something like that. Long story short, he had his son paired up with other people where he could practice dating so that he could find a future partner"

Yeosang updated the other four on Wooyoung's life with his short and somewhat apathetic explanation.

Now informed, San couldn't help but get a little sad and had this feeling of something, he wasn't sure but it probably had to do with the fact that his best friend had a different kind of relationship with other people.

With the awkwardness no longer around the younger princes, they started to become more open and more talkative. Except for the two oldest, they haven't even talked to one another, just Seonghwa trying not to get caught looking at Hongjoong by the youngers and the prince himself. He needed a way to get them alone, he was still shy of talking to him especially with the other princes around.

Coming up with a little scheme, he leaned over the table where the younger prince was seated across from him and talked to him.

"Hey Joong, you think you could come with me, I forgot to grab something from my luggage and I don't know which room they put it in" Not expecting getting called by his nickname by the older, Hongjoong just nodded and stood up from his chair with Seonghwa doing the same.

"Where are you two going?" It was Yunho who caught the two trying to leave their group.

"I'm just showing Seonghwa where his room is"

"Okay, but get back quickly, we'll probably be bored by the time you'll be back"

Closing the door to there base the two oldest princes made their way towards the floor where the guest rooms were. Five minutes have passed and Seonghwa decided to break the silence.

"So how are things around here?"

"Oh you know, same old boring stuff, the only thing that keeps me occupied is the training, orders from my father, and I sometimes talk to my personal servant Maddox hyung when he has time. But other than that I'll most likely be in my room"

"You do training too? Your not over doing it right? Or that you haven't injured yourself?"

"No...? I've got scratched and bruised a couple of times but nothing too serious, why?"

"Nothing" With that, they stop talking and was now in front of the guest bedroom door.

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