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"You should go dance with him"

It was his mother's voice that broke Hongjoong's trance on the older prince, he looked at her with an unsure look on his face.

"I don't know, there are a lot of people. To be perfectly honest, we haven't told the others about us being together, it's only you and father that know, I don't even know if he told his parents"

He said as he twirled his mother for the second time, the queen looked at her son and saw that he had a longing gaze in his eyes, and that he did want to be with the older prince. But he was afraid, and it wasn't because of their secret was going to get out, she knows that her son was afraid of the people's judgement about him and the other prince being together.

"Go dance with him, don't let people's judgement stop you from doing the things that you love and don't let them ever stop you from being with the person that you love. Besides most of the people here are strangers to you aren't they? And if you friends don't approve of you two, don't mind them"

The blond felt like he was a kid at that moment, he went through some tough times when he and his friends were separated, but his mother was always there for him when he needed someone. She would always be there to comfort and hold him, she helped him to get back out there and made the person that he is now. Giving her a thankful smile and a kiss on the cheeks, he left her and made his way towards the other princes.

Looking at her son as he made his way towards his friends, the queen was proud of him and will always be. She then soon felt a different hand hold her's, and saw that it was her husband replacing their son's place.

"You look like you want to cry, shouldn't you be happy?" He said with a small smile and gave his wife a kiss on the forehead, while they started dancing.

"Our son's all grown up"

"That he is, and he will be a great king someday"

When Hongjoong reached his friends, he saw that his lover wasn't with them but with his parents, it was then Yeosang approached him with an extra drink in his hand.

"Hey hyung, I got you a drink"


"So how's Seonghwa hyung treating you?" The raven haired asked nonchalantly while swirling his glass around.

Shocked that the younger knew such thing, Hongjoong choked on his drink. He most certainly was not expecting Yeosang to ask him that, pulling the younger aside where less people could hear them, he started questioning him.

"Wha- how do you know?"

"I'm not blind and dumb unlike some people hyung, I saw how you two kept giving each other glances ever since a few weeks ago"

"Really? Well, did you tell anyone else?"

"No, it's not my place. Anyways I'm really happy for you two"

"Thanks I guess, so did Jongho ask you out already"

At the mention of the younger's name, the ravenette now had an adorable blush on his face.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about"

"Come on Yeo, I saw you looking at him that day when he was dueling with Seonghwa, I can tell that you like him. So did he ask you out or what?"

"N-no, but please don't tell him"

Giggling at the younger's shyness, the blond nodded and proceeded to have small talk with him, until then he felt a light tap on his shoulder, glancing over he was met with Seonghwa's handsome self.

"Can I join you two?" Then an idea popped in Hongjoong's head.

"Actually, how about a dance?"

Passing his glass of punch to the black haired prince, -to which thankfully he got the elder's message and gave him a wink for good luck- the smaller grabbed his lover's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. Reaching the floor the two started dancing, Seonghwa had his right hand holding the other by his waist while his left held the blond's smaller right hand.

"People are looking at you"

"No, they're looking at us"

Us. Those words coming from the younger was enough to make the older swell his chest with pride.

"I thought you wanted to keep our relationship a secret?"

"Someone once told me that I needed to ignore the people who will judge me for being me and being with the person I love" Hongjoong said, he then saw his parents spending time with the other princes' parents.

"Look at you being bold. I like it"

Twirling the younger, Seonghwa then dipped the both of them, he also decided to lean in, but was stopped by the younger's finger on his lips.

"Not so fast Hwa, the kids are looking"

Sure enough, he saw the other six looking at them, amaze and shock on their faces, well except for Yeosang of course.

"Well, they better start getting use to it"

"No Hwa, let's mess with them just for tonight"

"Hmm, okay"

Getting back up, the two of them resumed dancing and having a time of their lives, the other princes soon joined in as well.

While everyone was having fun at the party, one man made his way out of the castle and met up with two other dark clad figures in the near forest.

"So? Got any news?" One of the men asked.

"Our little prince has himself a lover"

"A lover you say? We'll have to tell boss that, but I don't think it will matter much. Come on, let's get the fuck out of here"

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