Chapter 13

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At this point I would just wish that it was thud of a vase or a dish that was broken. But apparently, I was wrong about that. We all started looking and searching around the house. "Maybe the thud sound wasn't from this house" I thought to myself, but I heard a huge scream out in the backyard and when I came to see what it was, I felt my heart drop.

Mrs Johnson was mortified and we saw that little Maria was on the ground unconscious with blood coming out from her head. My mind just went numb and I fell to the floor. I couldn't believe what just happened. It felt as the world had stopped. Right in front of me was a lifeless girl whom I had no idea how in the world she ended up in this state.

Even their neighbours came in and were asking us if everything was alright. The noise must have been loud enough for them to hear and then after the ambulance sounds. It all almost looked like a crime scene.

We rushed to call the ambulance and I was still not able to cope up with the situation. I tried to snap out of it but the image of her on the ground kept re-appearing in my mind. I started to have panic attacks and mom, uncle and Isla were worried sick of what was happening.

Isla herself was in the same state. Only she just didn't see her body and mom covered her eyes as soon as she was trying to see.

Mom: "Bella, calm down child please. It's going to be okay I am sure of it."

She kept telling me that and hugged me. Am I strong enough to handle all of this? Why did all of this happen suddenly?

The only thing we all were hoping for is that she would be alive and no permanent damage would be done. I got into my senses a little and was thinking to myself, "How did she fall from there?" I knew above the ground there was a window leading to her room. Wasn't Isla with her the whole time playing with her?

Bella: "Isla, weren't you with Maria? Like playing with her?"

Isla: "I was!! We both were playing hide and seek with each other and then I heard the thud sound myself."

Mom: "But how did she fall?"

Mr Johnson: "It could be that she fell from the window of the room and the police are also investigating right now."

Mrs Johnsons: "She will be okay right? She will live right? How did my baby fall?"

Her eyes were swollen red from crying and she looked so pale. I felt really bad for her

Mom: "All of us are with you. I am sure she will be fine."

The police were also with us and they were interrogating all of us. In my mind, I was pulling out my own investigation. Ok, so the most plausible explanation would be that she fell from the window. But the question I had is "how?"

My sister, I know, wouldn't ever do something to her. So she was definitely not a suspect because she was seen by us playing with her the whole time.

Mom volunteered to stay with them and Uncle Flynn took us home and even on the way, I just wanted to know so badly what had happened.

We told everyone at home what had happened and they were just as shocked as I was. My main priority was just to find out the case but make sure that Isla doesn't sit and blame herself. I know she would think it was her fault if I were in her shoes. I could imagine what she would be feeling right now.

I have to make sure she is okay and safe. I put a mattress in her room and told her I was sleeping there.

Isla: "Sister, I will be fine really. You don't have to sleep here."

Bella: "I know you aren't gonna be fine if I leave you alone and besides, I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight on my own either."

Isla: "Sister.....I really didn't do it. I would never do such a thing."

Bella: "I know you because you are my sister and knowing you would never do such a thing, don't worry, there is a way out of this."

Isla: "I hope so. Thanks sis, for all of this."

Bella: "Don't mention it sister. I ain't leaving you anywhere."

I hugged her and told that it would be alright and I could hear her sobbing and feel her shaking. I knew that it wasn't her fault. This all seemed like an accident. I just wanted things to go back to normal again.

Because of all these thoughts, I felt like I wouldn't be able to sleep. However, I was so tired and exhausted from the situation, that I slept and I wish I didn't because even in my sleep, I got nightmares. I woke up during the night with a racing heart and heavy breathing.

I woke up when it was about 9 in the morning. I thought that I would message both Susan and Stacy to tell them about this whole scenario. Not only were they shocked, they kept on asking and wondering if everything was alright.

I just told them that for the most part, it was okay and that they didn't need to worry about anything. Nothing had been ruled out yet. There wasn't any direct evidence that my sister had pushed her. We all know she wouldn't ever do such a thing.

What made me curious was, what the Johnsons' thought about all this?

What were their thoughts on what happened to their child? Are they suspecting Isla for their daughter's fall? I just hope that we found out what actually happened and maybe this all was an accident.

I heard this from my father all the time as a kid. When something upsetting would happen to me. I would say "Why does this always happen to me?" I still remember the wise words he would say to me, "Everything happens for a reason. It's all just a blessing in disguise."

Sometimes the things we want in life, just don't turn out the way we like them to be. However, something good would emerge out of the bad. Sooner or later, we would know why such a thing would happen.

I just sighed at all these thoughts and hoped for the best. After I freshened up, I went into my mother's room because I heard some noises over there. Had she come home?

Mom had arrived home already and she was packing some clothes for herself and said that she would be staying with the Johnson's and helping them.

Mom: "It will be for a little while till they find out what happened."

Bella: "But isn't the house like a crime scene area? And would they be able to stay there after what had happened?"

Mom: "They rented an apartment close to the hospital for the time being, so that would be more convenient for them."

Bella: "Oh, alright then mom. Will you come and visit home from time to time?"

Mom came close to hug me, and patted me on my back. She knew I needed this and I cried. In her arms, I felt as if I was safe, and that nothing in the world could harm me. The warmth I get and the love I feel. It's beyond words' explanation.

Mom: "Why are you crying little one? Don't you know what your father would say to you right now?"

Bella: "Yes. I know what he would say, 'Everything happens for a reason'."

She wiped off my tears

Mom: "Yes Bella, you're absolutely right. So stay by your sister. I know you won't leave her side."

Mom: "Is she awake though?"

Bella: "I will go and check mom."

When I went in the room to look for Isla, she wasn't there and so I went to bathroom to check but she wasn't there either. I was telling myself not to panic and that she would be around here somewhere.

I was looking for her all over the house and I couldn't find her anywhere. Now I was starting to think something bad might have happened to her.

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