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This world was a lot like your own. Except for the soulmate tattoos. The tattoos told you who your soulmate was; the one you were to be married too in the future. But there was a twist. Only one half of the couple had the tattoo whilst the other was left in the dark.

Three members of PTX was blessed with their soulmate tattoo on their 21st birthday. Scott's was Mark Manio written in bubble letters on his back. Matt's was Sarah Bishop in this beautiful cursive writing on his ankle. However, no one except Kirstie knew that she even had a mark. The group all believed she was like Kevin and Mitch who did not have a mark. Kevin was lucky enough to have found the woman with his name tattooed on her knee. Mitch was still yet to find his girl or guy with his name. But Kirstie knew his soulmate was. Why? Because written on her shoulder in capital letters was Mitchell Grassi.

When Kirstie learnt on her 21st birthday that her soulmate was her ex and her gay best friend, she was worried. She liked him but she knew he would never like her back. And he was gay! It was never gonna work. So she just made sure the name was covered. Until one day......

24th July 2015

The group decided to have a day at the beach. Kirstie was wearing a one piece that had long sleeves and a zip up the middle. All was going well until she fell in the water and grazed her shoulder. Mitch carried her back to where there stuff was and grabbed the first aid kit as no one else had seemed to noticed her fall.

"Hey Kit, it's cut through your swimmers and we may have to move it off your shoulder." Kirstie was fine with it and pulled the zip at the front down slightly so she could move the fabric slightly off her shoulder. Mitch then used a wipe to clean off the blood already there. Unfortunately, as soon as the blood was gone Mitch questioned Kirstie.

"Uh Kirstin, why is my name on your shoulder?"

Kirstie cursed under breath.

"Uh because I wrote it there?"

"Don't give me that Kirstin! It's not coming off. You mean to tell me that you've had my name tattooed on you all this time! Why didn't you tell me? Because you're ashamed of me aren't you! Well I'm done. I'm leaving clearly you don't want me."

He started storm away and Kirstie called after him. The other three had heard Mitchs yelling and came in from the water to find Kirstie crying.

"What's wrong Kirst?" Scott asked.

"I'm such a horrible person!"

"No your not," Matt exclaimed.

"Yes I am. I lied to all of you just because I was scared."

"You lied to us?!" Scott yelled, "Is that why Mitch ran off?!"

She started to cry harder and hide in a ball more as Kevin yelled at the tall blonde.

"Back off dude. Everyone lies and I'm sure she had a good reason. She's obviously upset. Yelling won't help anything."

"Okay then she can explain," Scott crossed his arms.

"I-I uh- I" Kirstie was hyperventilating and couldnt speak so she just moved the fabric on her shoulder so the three could see Mitchs name in the permanent ink.

"Wait so you're Mitchs soulmate?" Matt asked.

She nodded.

"Why did you keep it a secret?"

"Because there's no way he likes me. And he's gay. It just seems wrong!"

"Why did he run off then?"

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