Over The Years 2/2

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{2016- Mitch's POV}

Why am I so mad at Kirstie? It wasn't her fault she crashed. But I guess it isn't anyone's fault. I haven't gotten over the shock of it. I thought lost her and I needed to blame someone and for some reason I'm blaming her. But I also blame myself. The emergency meeting was just because I wanted to see everyone again. Because my selfish wants she almost lost her life. It also doesn't help that I'm confused. The thought of losing her apparently more horrifying than I thought. But I don't know if it means I like her more than a friend. Of course, I still love her. But in what way? So, I've been avoiding her. I'm afraid I'll lose it when I with her. I don't know why but I can't take it anymore.

{ 2017 - Kirstie's POV }

I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be when Jeremy broke up with me after he proposed. That's a lie: I knew I wouldn't be upset. I guess deep down, I always knew that I wasn't truly in love with him. I closed the door of my hotel apartment and spotted Mitch, my previously calm mood completely forgotten about as I stormed up to him. "Mitchell Grassi! Why won't you speak to me!" I exclaimed, hastily wiping a tear from my cheek. I couldn't show my vulnerability. Not now. I thought I could do it. I thought I'd be able to live without him. How wrong I was. For the first time in years, his deep brown eyes met my own, staring into my soul. I was slightly taken aback when I saw his face. The tear-stained cheeks, the puffy, bloodshot eyes. All light and emotion that once lived within those chocolatey orbs vanished, adding to the dull, gloomy exterior he put on. I quickly hid my surprise, folding my arms and ignoring the tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. "Well? Spit it out! Why have you been purposely ignoring my existence?" I interrogated, my voice cracking mid-sentence. Mitch quirked an eyebrow, causing my glare to intensify. "Because you hate me. I'm only doing what you wanted." How could I ever hate someone as perfect as Mitch? But that's the problem, I suppose. I can't hate him.

{2018- Mitch's POV}

I didn't realize I hurt her that much. I felt guilty of the crash. When she yelled at me in the room, I told her I didn't want to ignore her. I was just going through some internal business and I accidentally took it out on her. I didn't tell her I blamed myself for 2015. I knew she'd blow up at me even more. I knew she blamed herself. She always does. She blames herself when it rains when we must shoot an outside video. I thought she hated me, but she said she thought I hated her. But I don't I love her so much. I haven't told her I'm not gay anymore. I thought it would be obvious in the way I've changed my hair and my look. But she's never been one to notice little things. She didn't realize Scott and Mark were together when they were making out on the couch behind her. Man, I love her. I love her beautiful brown eyes. I love her beautiful voice. I love the way she's oblivious sometimes. I love her but I can't tell her. I don't want to scare her away again.

{ 2019 - Kirstie's POV }

I've been a lot happier recently, now that Mitch and I are on speaking terms again. We both know that it will take a long time to get back the relationship we had. And I feel as though it is all my fault. It was me who was driving while I was tired. Still the worst decision of my life. "Kirstie?" The mention of my name caused my head to snap in the direction of the voice, my gaze meeting Mitch's worried one. "Kirst, you need to go record now." he said as I nodded my head, approaching the booth and positioning myself in front of the microphone. Mitch went with me, too. He stood outside the booth, stopping me before I could even begin. I gave him a questioning look, to which he responded with, "Are you sure you're alright? You've been really... distracted lately." I nodded again, his expression softening slightly. He gave me a thumbs up and a reassuring smile as I adjusted the headphones on my head and prepared to record my part. Maybe Mitch and I really could put that time of hatred behind us and start again.

{2020- Mitch's POV}

She's coming over in five minutes. I thought this day would never come. I wanted to be her best friend again and I was hoping she might let me be that again. Coronavirus also had an effect. Lockdown was crazy. But we were allowed to go to friends' houses now. Not to mention she's moving next door in a couple of weeks. She was coming to visit with a car full of stuff so she could start setting up her house. I, of course, offered to help. I can't wait to see her every day. To be able to drop by next door and give her Starbucks. To be able to randomly crash at her house because I was "too tired to go home". I love you Kirstie and I can't wait to be your bestie again.

{2021- Third Person POV}

Pentatonix was having a New Year's Eve party. It was just the crew and their significant others. Mitch and Kirstie were the only ones without significant others. But they didn't mind; they had each other. It was currently 11:50pm. Everybody was practically bouncing on their toes in excitement. Words cannot even begin to express how glad they all were that 2020 was finally coming to an end. After months on end of video chats, zoom calls and whatever else, the Pentatonix team were at last able to see one another. Scott, Matt and Kevin were all dancing with their partners, but Kirstie and Mitch, however, couldn't stop thinking about each other. Not that they knew this - the pair did have a tendency to be oblivious at times. Mitch saw the clock click to 11:57. He was scared. He decided he was gonna confess as the first thing he does in 2021. That will be the sign if this year will be any good. Kirstie was feeling the same way. Kirstie was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't even notice Mitch slowly inching his way towards her. Mitch glanced at the clock. 11:59. He took a long, deep breath and tapped Kirstie's shoulder.

"Hey Kirstie...?"

"Yeah, Mitch."

"I-i have to tell you something."

"What's up?"

"I love you....as in more than a friend." Kirstie was shocked.

"I- you what?" the girl gaped at her best friend. Mitch blushed intensely, and nodded. Kirstie was feeling all sorts of emotions at that moment. Thrilled, relieved, overwhelmed, shocked, you name it. Kirstie struggled to get her next sentence out without studdering out of pure joy.

"I-i love you too Mitchie."




"Really," she nodded.


"I... wow." Mitch was awestruck.

"7!" Kirstie smiled happily, not noticing Scott watching from the corner, yelling "6!", and hurrying off to retrieve the rest of the band.

"5!" Scott returned with the rest of the group.


"May I?" Mitch asked, placing his finger gently under her chin.


Kirstie nodded, eyes wide. Mitch laughed slightly at her expression.


It's now or never, Mitch thought to himself.


He gently pressed his lips to hers and could feel his stomach dropping and his heart pounding. He could only just hear the rest of the crew cheering. As they pulled away, they heard Scott yell.

"Three cheers for Mirstie! Hip Hip!"

"HOORAY!" everybody chorused three times more, causing Mitch and Kirstie to blush intensely. Scott approached the pair, grinning.


Taking the hint, Mitch jumped up onto the table, taking Kirstie with him and yelling at the top of his lungs, "Kirstin Maldonado, will you be my girlfriend?"

She laughed with the greatest joy she has ever felt.

"Of course!" The entire group cheered and laughed, as they kissed once more. 2021 couldn't have started better.  

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