Chapter 1- Welcome To The Hotel Cortez

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It is a big day for me, a very big day.
It is my first time getting to stay in the infamous city of LA, the place where dreams supposedly come true.
I came here originally to model for my new boss Will Drake, but a part of me just came to experience a new life, a better life.

I'm sitting in a black limousine with my best friend Tristan, me and him have known each-other since we were only six.
We grew up together, he was like a brother to me, and a fun trip to LA with my best friend sounded like an absolute win, and I already got invested in the modeling business, so I agreed to come.

"Crimson, how much longer until we get there?" He whines to me, lazily laying his head on my shoulder.
"I don't know, ask the driver dumbass." I snap at him jokingly.
He groans as he crawls over to the little window that separates us and the driver and yanks it open dramatically.

"How much longer until we get to the hotel... umm sir?" Tristan asks, visibly annoyed.
I'm unable to hear the drivers answer due to my phone buzzing, I look down almost immediately.

From mom
Have you arrived in your fancy hotel yet love? ♥️

I laugh, she texted me five times in the last hour asking how I am, where I am, what I'm doing.
It's adorable honestly, but can get annoying at times, considering she always does this.
I text her back kindly, taking my mind off my constant car sickness and anxiety for my first real modeling rig.

From Me
Not yet, we'll be their soon, I promise I'll tell you when we arrive, ily

Tristan climbs back next to me, "the prick says it'll be like 5 minutes, but I don't know I'd I can stand being in this smelly car for any long."
I ignore his complaining.
He groans, he never was patient, always bouncing off the walls, especially when he's off drugs, and I know he snuck some coke in here with us.
I just have to assume he ran out.

I take my attention to the scenery, the blinding sun of California only complimented the stunning sight of the city.
Down the road was a very tall building, with the words Hotel Cortez written on a sign attached to it.

Excitement rushes through my veins as we drive closer and closer to the place our first show will take place.
After a few anxious seconds we pull into the parking lot near the hotel, Tristan practically falls out of the car from boredom.

I follow him, grabbing my bag as I take in the grand sight of the Hotel Cortez.
It was truly beautiful, a mysterious type of beautiful, but strangely comforting.
I love it.

I stare at the gorgeous building as I feel a hand on my shoulder, "go find your room please Crimson, the show starts in a few hours." My boss, Will Drake, whispers to me as he takes his son into the building.
I obey, grabbing my suitcase and bag along with Tristan hand.

I rush into the building, adrenaline filling my veins as I take in every detail of the beautiful decor.
Every single detail was placed perfectly, the furniture, the decor, the walls, hell even the floor, it was all just perfect.

I walk along side Tristan up to a woman sitting by the front desk.
She doesn't seem to notice us, her full attention was on some magazine about whoever Harry Styles was currently fucking.

I gently ring the bell.
She looks up at us, looking more bored than anyone I've ever seen, but yet just as mysterious as the building.
"I need a um... room?" I ask politely, ignoring her intimidating cat like stare.
She looks us both up and down, and laughs.

"Alrighty, Welcome to the Hotel Cortez"

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