Chapter 3

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I sit by Tristan back stage in strangely comfortable folding chairs, waiting for the other models to finish up.
"Ugh, how long is this gonna take?" Tristan groans.
"I don't know, your the professional model here, you tell me!"

He rolls his eyes extremely dramatically (as he always does) "I honestly couldn't tell you, usually i forget the whole show by the time I wake up, but thanks to someone!" He glares at me not so subtly, "I'm not high."
I laugh, "I am so sorry for keeping from being brain dead during your own job!"
"Oh shut up you whore."

We both go silent from boredom, they never mentioned this part in all those model interviews.
I lean back in my chair as Tristan sighs loudly, I can barely hear it due to the loud music going on on the other side of the curtain.
"That's it, I'm getting the fuck out of here." He jumps up from his chair, I grab his arm before he leaves the room.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna find some coke, there's gotta be some on this weird ass hotel somewhere." He explains before he charges off.
"Tristan wait!" I yell.

Now I'm conflicted, I obviously want to follow Tristan and get high as fuck to tune out this head ache this music is giving me, but I wouldn't want to seem unprofessional to Drake...
Fuck it, if Tristan can get away with it and keep his job so can I, and if Drake says anything I'll call him misogynist.

I jump up from my chair, following Tristans trail over to the elevator.
It opens immediately, as I hop in the elevator I meet eyes with the one lady from earlier, the one with the gorgeous gown from the front desk.
She gives me a wink and a wicked smile as the elevator door closes, leaving me alone and in the silence, the only sound being the creaking elevator.

A few seconds go by, which feels like hours, when finally the door opens.
I selected the floor me and Tristan were on so I could get my phone to figure out where the fuck he went.
The hallway seemed maliciously dark and empty, a pit of fear formed in my lower stomach as the door closed behind me.

I walk down the hall, every step making a creak in the wooden floor.
My room was Room 73, and Tristans was right next door so I can check if he stopped there first.
I stop dead in the middle of the hall as the lights flicker.
That noise... it felt like someone was crawling in the ceiling.

I look up to the ceiling, no surprise, nothing was there, it seemed normal as ever.
Must have been from upstairs.
Suddenly a door slowly tilts open on its own, the noise from the door filling the oh so empty hallway.
Room 64.

I wonder why that opened, maybe Tristan is in there, the only explanation why it would randomly open with everyone being downstairs.
Either way, it's not locked, so I'm sure the resident using the room won't mind.
I walk into the dark room, as chills go up and down my spine.
I do not like the way this room felt, but yet it was exciting, my adrenaline begins rushes all over my body as my heart beats faster.

"Tristan?" I call out.
No response.
Guess he never even came on this floor, I walk around the room looking for anything valuable or smokeable.
Hmmm don't want to waste my time any longer in someone else's room, I make my way back to the door.

Just as I brush my finger on the door handle, the door slams shut, I squeal a bit as my hearts skips a beat.
"Jeez, these people have some air conditioning problems." I joke aloud to myself.
I place my hand on the door, when I start to feel breathing down my neck.

I freeze, it was so cold and sharp, it felt too real to be my imagination.
I think for a moment, someone is standing right behind me, what am I supposed to do?
I could knee him in the dick and run assuming it's a male.
I slowly turn around.

What I see is the only thing in my whole life that has truly terrified me.
Its a creature, a demon, it's skin was slimy and gross and clear.
It has no face.
I go with my original plan and knee the fucker in the nuts, it seems male enough underneath the weird skin.

It doesn't react, but I do.
Pain fills my leg, as I feel something sharp stab into it.
The creature, still staring at me, doesn't move an inch, as whatever he has tied onto his dick stabs me in the leg.
I scream, mostly in pain, but fear was definitely a big factor as well.

The creature then jerks his hand over to my throats, holding me up in the air, choking me with one hand.
Tears begin to fall as terror and death surround me, my whole body in this disgusting things hand.
I try and get out a scream, but his hand was to tight around my neck, as blood from my leg drips down to the floor.
"P-p-please..." I barely get out, as the creature remains silent and still, his grip only getting tighter.

A voice roars from behind me, as the creature disappears, just fades into air, leaving no trace but the stab in my leg.
I fall to the group, holding back tears the best I could.
I look up immediately to see whoever saved me, I see a very tall, formal and handsome man staring down at me.

"Let's get you off the floor darling," he says in a 20s style accent as he picks me up in his arms like I weighed nothing, I feel his cold hands resting on my legs.
He looks at me for a moment, just hypnotized by my face, we both remain silent.
He then lets out a big smile, he lays me on the bed very gently, "I'm sorry about that, the thing can't control itself sometimes."

I look at him in pure shock, "that thing? You know what that is?"
He laughs, "yes darling I do, it's name is the addiction demon, it targets victims with addiction problems, but tends to take his hobbies else where from time to time."
I scoff at this handsome stranger, "you seem rather calm about this, like this is just every fucking Tuesday, that thing just attacked me!"

"Well I mean your still alive, unlike most of its victims, so I'd be thankful, and by the way your most welcome for saving you miss?" He asks my name as he stands in front on me, towering over my 5'4 self.
"Crimson, Crimson Reid, and yes thanks a lot... I guess."
He smiles a little bit to himself, "a pleasure my dear Crimson," something about the way he pronounces my name gives my butterflies in my stomach, "I saw you earlier, modeling, you look absolutely stunning I must say."

He looks me up and down as he says this, his eyes hover on my chest for just a few moments, as he meets my eyes once more.
"Um thanks?" I say.
Then it hit me, he was the handsome stranger who was watching me from earlier!
Excitement arises in me, he was way way more handsome then I ever could of imagined.
"James Patrick March, owner of the Hotel Cortez, you can call me March." He holds out his cold, strong hand out to me.
I gently shake it.

"You own the place?"
"Yes I do, I have owned this place for many many years." He says as he starts taking off his belt.
He didn't look very old, only maybe mid twenties, thirty at most, his story already seemed to have some flaws.
"Oh ok cool," I draw my attention to him taking off his belt, "woah woah woah man, thanks for saving me and all but we have some bigger issues right now!"

He laughs at me, seemingly surprised at my reaction as I back away from him the best I can with my punctured leg.
Oh yeah the punctured leg. Ow
"Oh no my dear, I agree with you completely, I'm simply grabbing my belt to stop the bleeding."
"Oh..." I get flushed, well that's was rather embarrassing, me and my dirty mind, "thanks."

He pulls my leg into the air, as my dress slides up the my underwear, I catch him take a slight glance, but ignore it,
He wraps the belt around and tightens it, stopping the bleeding completely.
"There you go, you should be fine now my dear, just go wash it off with some oh... medical products."

"Um ok cool, I'll do that," I stand up the best I can with the help of March, "see you around I guess."
He smirks, "I do hope so miss Crimson."
I stumble over to the door, leaving March to stand alone in the room.
I look back at the handsome stranger, "March?"

He meets my eyes once more, "yes my dear?"
"Please be honest with me for a moment."
"Of course."
"Will I ever see that thing again?" I ask carefully, showing a bit of fear in my eyes.
He smiles, "you won't, I'll make sure of it."
I give him a nod as I stumble out into the hallway.

I look back once again to see that he had gone, not sure where he left too, but he had disappeared into dust.
Despite being in a rather traumatic event with a whole in my leg, it felt rather good to have met such a handsome stranger.

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