Chapter 7

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I could barely sleep, tonight was the night.
A few days have passed, and no sign of March, at all, but tonight was the night we wanted to have dinner so be better show.
I still don't know where we're going or when I'm supposed to meet up with him, he didn't give me his number or even tell me which room he was in.
I would assume the penthouse, if The Countess wasn't already staying there.

I decided to keep my dinner with March a secret, The Countess, Tristan, and Liz didn't need to know about that, they'd probably just lecture me.
Speaking of, I have made a great friendship with Liz, The Countess, and John over the last few days.
I genuinely don't want to leave, everyone here is so kind and genuine.

It feels more like home than actual home, which is surprising, I've never felt this way about anything before.
It is the first time in life since I was a kid I felt genuinely happy, and I didn't want it to end.
I go out to the bar to chat with Liz for awhile, anxiously waiting for March to appear.
"You seem nervous, what's up hun?" She asks.
"Nah it's nothing." I feel my knee bouncing, it always does that when I get nervous.

"Listen, you can tell me, not like I will make things any worst."
"Ugh fine, but don't judge me Liz!"
She giggles, "I swear."
"I have a dinner with Mr March tonight, he invited me a few days ago, and I haven't seen him since. I'm scared he ghosted me in his own hotel."
Her smile fades as she lets out a long sigh, "Crimson, I thought we talked about this, I told you to stay away from him, not get a date with him."

"I know, but how am I supposed to say no, he's just so handsome... and tall... and attractive..." My words trail off as I begin thinking of him.
Liz snaps in-front of it face, "snap out of it, trust me, you do not want him!"
"Oh really, have you dated him too?"
She frowns, "The Countess?" I nod, "maybe you should listen to her honey, it'll save you a lot of trouble."
"Stop acting like he's psycho murderer, besides being a little narcissistic and rude, he seems like an overall good guy."

Liz smirks, "oh honey... do whatever you want, just please keep yourself in check, be smart about things, and don't ruin your life over a strangers dick."
I smile, "I won't, and besides it's just a dinner date, not like I'm going to get laid... unfortunately."
I stand up from my chair a decide to go back to my room in hopes March will maybe show up again.

I go to my hotel door to see it has already been unlocked... weird I swear I locked it earlier.
Must have been that weird cleaning lady Miss Evers, I noticed her glaring at me yesterday, I swear if she went through my fucking stuff I'll fuck her up.
I charge in, my face red with annoyance, no one is in my room, but a strange object is sitting on my bed.

I walk over to it to see a gorgeous dress laying on the bed with a note attached to it.


A Dress Fit For A Goddess

Floor 5 Room- Banquet Hall

I'll be waiting for you

-James Patrick March


I hold on to the paper for a moment, knowing his hands wrote this...
For me...
I look down at the dress he had gifted me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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