Chapter 5

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It has been a few days since I first arrived at the hotel, no sign of Mr March, I even have been asking around for him.
It was early morning, and I had just woken up from a long, sweet, slumber.
I asked Drake a few days ago if Tristans rumor was true, about him staying here indefinitely, he explained everything was true and he planned on buying the hotel.
He said I was allowed to stay as long as I please, and he would pay for my room, and have a flight ready whenever I wish to go back home

I go to my closet and throw on a stunning and risky red dress (as always) in the hopes I meet that handsome March man once more.
After a half an hour of getting ready, I head out to find Tristan.
The halls seem more lively today, most of the time there was a certain dread to this place, it was overall cheerful today.
I go over to the bar to meet Liz for a morning drink, "Morning Liz."

She smiles at me, the last few days me and Liz have become quiet good friends over midnight drinks, "morning miss crimson, can I get you a drink?"
"Yes please, whatever easiest to make, I'm down for whatever".
"Got it." She begins to make a random drink.
"Hey Liz, have should seen Tristan around anywhere, I haven't seen him in hours?"
"No I haven't hun."

Ever since we came here Tristan has been acting ridiculously weird, more alive than usual, yet his energy feels more dead than ever.
He hasn't spoken to me about that mystery woman either, almost as if she told him not too.
"Here you go love," she hands me the drink that I gulp down very quickly.
"Thank you so much, I needed that."
"Anytime Crimson, anytime."

     Liz goes back to cleaning the glasses, I finish off my drink as I walk off to explore more of the hotel, and hopefully find Tristan, preferably not coked out on the floor somewhere.
I get in the elevator and hit a random number on the panel, it opens to the 8th floor, just another bright, red and golden, hallway.
I wander along the hall, looking for a sign of him, but deep down I knew what (or should I say who) I was looking for.

      Mr motherfucking March
I haven't been able to get that prick out of my head since he tied me up with that belt, which I romanticized to the max in my head.
He was just being friendly, but I noticed the stares, and the gentleness in his touch.
Maybe I was making things up, but no man has ever touched me like that before.
And it made my skin go on fire, just the thought of his soft hands touching in the places I want him to touch.

       I nearly trip from being so caught up in the thought, everything that night was perfect.
The show, March, one of the greatest nights of my life.
For some reason I don't really remember how I stabbed my self in the leg, or why I was in room 64 in the first place, but it brought me to him...
I begin to feel hungry for him, so I change my thoughts back to the one thing that always distracts me. Tristan.

      He always disappears, and leaves me alone in this huge ass hotel...
I suddenly get this urge, this powerful feelings...
Without thinking I close my eyes and lean against the wall and think very hard about where he could be, when suddenly I see this imagine in my mind.
Tristan laying in a strange bed in a strange room, I think harder, as the imagine becomes clear as day, he's in the penthouse.

      I rush back to the elevator, less of finding Tristan, but more to see if my theory is true.
Just as I hit the button I feel a hand on my shoulder, I jump in surprise, turning around to meet the stranger.
"Hello darling."
A gorgeous blonde woman, in a fabulous gown meets my eyes.
"Umm hi?"
"I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me The Countess, or at least thats what most people call me." She says calmly, her dark eyes tearing into my soul.

     "Ok... Im Crimson," I hold out my hand politely, she giggles as she gently shakes it with her gloves and sharp sharp nails attached at the end.
"Oh I know, I've heard a lot about you."
Yeah you and everyone else, why do these people seem to already know me when I meet them, like I am a model now but so are like 10 other people in this building.

      "Really? From who." I ask kinda a bit more harshly then intended.
"Well, from Tristan of course, and from Liz, Sally, and James, your quite popular around here." She explains.
So she's the mysterious blonde woman!
And March- or James- has been talking about me!!!! AHAHHA!!!
"Really, I didn't know I made such an impression." I laugh to myself a little.

      "Being as beautiful and intriguing as you are, I am not surprised." She kindly compliments me.
"Umm thank you?"
She gives me a little smirk, "don't mention it little dove, oh yes and about Tristan, he's up in the penthouse right now, Liz told me you were looking for him."
Holy shit I was right! I still don't know how I guessed that.
"Oh thanks your a life saver, I've been looking for him all day."

        "Here, I'll walk you to the penthouse, I live there, I own the hotel and have just always stayed in there since I first bought it." She explains as she takes my hand and guides me into the elevator.
"Really? I assume you know my boss then, Will Drake?"
"Oh yes, so far he seems like a great buyer, but of course I had more of my attention on you out of all the new guests."

    I furrow my brow, "may I ask why."
She looks at me, deep into my eyes and what feels like my soul, "cause you remind me of myself, a powerful woman stuck under the work of a man, I have a feeling you and I will become great friends, Crimson."
The elevator door opens, revealing a gorgeous room, filled with strobe lights and glass, and leather furniture.
I smile back at her, "I hope so too."

     The Countess had this certain motherly feel to her, this comfort in talking with her was very relaxing, being her friend didn't sound like a bad idea at all.
"Donovan! Come meet Crimson." She yells out as a incredibly hot man, dressed in a leather jacket walks out and looks me up and down.
"Crimson, this is my lover Donovan, Dono this is my new friend Crimson Reid."

      He walks over and kisses my hand seductively, but in the way it felt as if he does this everyone, despite his overall beauty, I personally didn't find him very attractive.
"A pleasure Crimson," he looks over to The Countess, "your little lover boys in our bed still, may I ask you ask him to get the fuck out."
She scoffs, "oh stop it, your fragile masculinity is showing, Tristan is welcome in my bed anytime, and MY not OUR love."

       She shoves an angry Donovan over, "don't mind him, he can be a little whiny sometimes, but what man isn't." She jokes, a laugh a little.
"You have multiple boyfriend?" I ask.
She smirks, "I know it isn't conventional, but gorgeous woman like us deserve more in life than some old man to give us money, and besides I get bored very easily." She winks at me.
Suddenly this woman is my absolute hero.
She opens the door to a large room where Tristan is laying, in the exact position I imagined him in... weird.

     "Tristan, please leave us, I want to get to know your sister Crimson." The Countess demands at a coked out Tristan.
He hops up, wearing only jeans, "k whatever," he completely ignores me as he runs out.
"We're not siblings, me and Tristan." I state to her as she opens a drawer.
"I know darling, but the relationship between you and him... it's what any sister would want with her brother, it's quite admirable honestly."

       "Umm ok, I guess I can see that."
She sits down on her very large bed, holding a tray that seems to have coke and marijuana on it.
"Sit, would you like some?" She asks.
"Umm sure."
As we sit there doing whatever she gives me, she begins to glow at me.
"I saw you on the runway the other day, you looked gorgeous in that gown."
"Thank you, Drake- I mean Mr Will Drake really outdid himself with that one."

      "Yes he did," she looks at my eyes once more, "I sense something very special in you Crimson, you seem like a young girl who can easily spread her wings and turn into a powerful woman, and I envy that, and want to help you."
"Why am I here Elizabeth?" I ask bluntly, honestly not sure if she wants to have sex with me or not.

      She gently holds my wrist, "all I want is to become your friend, I would adore getting to help a young woman like you, especially in her career, but please, listen to my words carefully Dove."
Her expression darkens, "Stay away from James Patrick March."

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