Chapter 4

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I bring my full attention to finding Tristan, I can't spend my time lingering on the majorly traumatic event that just happened to me, and whatever the hell that creature was.
I almost forgot completely about my leg, which is still bleeding, just at a slower pace thanks to that March man.
Which speaking us, damn he was so hot, everything about his face, his hands, his posture, his voice, was just perfect.
I've never meet anyone like that before.

I run down the velvet hallways to Tristans room and open the door, which (like the dumbass he is) is left unlocked.
I looks around the already dirty room, no Tristan.
Where the fuck did he go.
I run into my room next door and rush into the bathroom, I pull of my dress and slam the door behind me,

Damn it that hurts, but luckily the puncture isn't deep, only a few centimeters in, but enough to bleed.
I undo the belt, as the blood runs onto my red lingerie bottom, I'll clean it later.
After a few minutes and many medical products I found in the first aid kit, my wound was somewhat contained.
I pop a few pain killers before I run out to grab my phone.

Where tf are you?

I text to Tristan as I pull on a more comfortable dress and grab a jacket, running out of the room to find him.

I spend the next 20 minutes walking around the hotel, it was nighttime now, all the guests have left the hotel who came just for the show.
No sign of him.
No reply to my text either.
I finally decide to give up, and head back to the lobby to get a drink, my leg already hurts from the immense amount of walking I've done in heels today, let alone the fucking demon wound.

I sit down at the bar, whose run by the same woman that was working the front desk earlier.
"What will it be love?" She asks.
"Anything that numbs pain, and slight irritation." I complain, overall annoyed at how strange my day has been.
"I know just the thing." She wanders over to prepare a drink for me.

I look over to the stranger sitting next to me, a young woman dressed in a 90s style dress, eyes black with teared up eyeliners.
"Sally McKenna," the woman tells me, not looking my direction.
"Umm Crimson," I decide to keep my last name a secret, so far this woman seems a bit questionable.
"Here you go." The woman hands me a drink, that I start drinking immediately.

      Sally looks down at my leg and the bandage, which is very visible do to my short red shorts, "what happened there Red?" She asks as she smokes a other cigarette.
"Oh umm just slipped earlier," I decide to avoid telling these strangers about the demon that stabbed me last night.
"Well damn, got yourself pretty hard," she snickers a little bit to herself, almost as if she knew exactly what happened to me.

      The woman at the bar smiles at me, "Well we have many first aid kits scattered around the place," her and Sally lock eyes for a few long seconds, "Liz Taylor."
"Pleasure to meet you Liz," I nod in her direction as she laughs to herself a little.
"No it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Crimson," she says as she gives Sally a smirk.

I don't know how to respond to that, I remain silent as Liz tidies up the used cups.
"Do either of you know anything about the owner of the hotel?" I ask.
Liz meets my eyes, "ahh yes she's a marvelous woman, I knew she'd take an interest in you."
I tilt my head in confusion, "umm is there a second owner? I was talking about Mr March."

They both look straight at me in surprise, Sally giggles to herself, "why am I not surprised... that bastard."
"Yes March always seems to take his interests in the most peculiar places," Liz agrees, almost acting as if I'm not there.
"He does! He really does," Sally laughs to herself as she starts another drink.

"So you do know Mr March," I look directly at Liz, she felt more trusting.
"Ahh yes, a long time friend, very smart, but very crazy, keep your distance love."
Sally nods in agreement, "that's an understatement." She mumbles under her breathe.

I feel only more confused, "he seemed pretty chill when I met him."
"That's cause he likes you Red." Sally winks at me as Liz frowns at her.
I feel my checks turn red, that couldn't be true, a man like that liking me...
My stomach fills with butterflies at the thought of him in general, let alone liking me.

"Well either way, I suggest you keep your distance, a young doll like you wouldn't want to get involved with businessmen like him just yet, wait till your a little older," she jokes.
Sally glares at her for a moment, "the upside of aging."
Liz' smile turns to a glare, "Sally why don't you get some rest."
Sally grabs her drink, "I fucking wish," she scowls as she storms of to her room.

Liz turns her gaze to me, "but please love, take what I say seriously, don't get involved with March unless you know exactly what your getting into."
I like March, he made me feel something new, something exciting, but I always take the word of another woman when it comes to men.
"Alright, thanks for the warning," March is just to fascinating to give up on, "but I can take care of myself."

With a painful stare from Liz, I head back to my room, in the hopes Tristan finally showed up while I was downstairs with Liz and Sally.
I enter my room to see Tristan, just sitting on the bed completely coked out.
"Tristan where the fuck have you been?"
He looks over and gives me a mischievous smile, "Crimson, I met this woman, thsi gorgeous woman, and she changed me into a god! I'm an immortal now! I get to live forever!" He exclaims as he jumps up to hold my hands.

"And I can change you too, we can stay here and live like gods forever!"
"I think your a little high..."
"I'm not!" He yells at the top of his lungs as if years worth of energy was running through his veins, "I'm not lying, she changed me, she can change you too! Let me ask her!" He grabs my arm and starts to pull me out of the room.

I shove him away as his strong grip on my arm fades, "stop Tristan, I don't know who or what your talking about."
"Just let me take you to her, she will change you!"
I assume this woman just had some super hard drugs, "no, you should get some rest, your acting really weird man."

"If you won't believe me, I'll prove it too you," he sits back on the bed, "just stay here with me for a couple weeks at least."
"I can't," I sit down next to him, "I have to go with Drake to you know, keep my job! And you will too!"
He gives me a huge smile, "well great news then, Drakes buying the place so we can stay, at least for a couple weeks!"

This was news to me, I don't know how reliable the source was though, I look over at a completely energetic Tristan, but I'll believe him for now.
"Fine I'll stay a couple weeks, no more and no less, and same goes for you."
He lets out a loud laugh, "I promise you Crim, you will not regret it."

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