New tail

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( Y/N) POV :
It's was  the morning after that peter kid got my trust and he also said he whas gonna fix my lil problem.

So I just laid there basking in the morning sun,stretching out to begin this new weird day that was ahead of me not that I was complaining tho,my life was already weird as it can get so nothing suprise me.

Then I smelled him again with more fish this time so I'm glad that I get somehow of an more descent meal than yesterday.

Then I heard him speak":Hey (Y/N).." I then see him lift an big bag off his shoulder and opened it " I got you some breakfast" I then proceeded to go near him and poke the fish with my snout" Got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod and a whole smoke eal" When I heard the word eal I growl at the him" Peter then lifts the eal in the air and i stared to freak out"no!,no,no it's ok I don't really like eal ether" and he proseeds to throw the eal away and I immediately gulp a fish down.

In the corner of my eye I see him going to my tail not that I care much right now tho. I feel something at my tail and I moved it. I gulp the last fish down but I was still hungry, so then I put my head in the basket to look for more fish then something attached to my tail so I moved it and feel like if is another part of my tail fin and I gave a look of dumbfounded.

I lift my wings slowly and suddenly I lift of the ground but we where headed to the wall and i braced for Impact but peter then opens the tail and I lift of to the sky.

I turn to go back to the cavern and I flew over the lake and I shook him of me but suddenly I fell in the water.I heard him scream " Yes!! It worked" I then transformed into my human form and looked at my left leg only to see a prototype leg. I then swam to the shore and shake all the water of me and I looked at Peter that was still in the water I then scream " Hey Parker I think you should go before someone comes look for you!" He then swam to shore and climb out of the cavern.

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