welcome home {Chp.4}

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[Tavros POV]

I stayed in the hospital for the next six months. I learned how to walk pretty easily and the whole no leg thing didn't hurt me as much as everyone one else, mentally that is. The nurse told me it was probably because I wasn't fully conscious when it happened. Others would have fits or freak out for no reason. Post-traumatic stress the docter called it. Gamzee came every day after work and ate dinner with me like he said he had been doing since it first happened. We would walk together at the park down the street. They would let me go out but got no more then hour intervals.

Somedays he would come with his glasses on. When I asked why he wore them he blamed the drugs for "Motherfucking fucking up" his eyes, as he worded it. In the fifth month of my recovery I also ended up with glasses for certain things. We both didn't wear them unless we absolutely needed too. By the time I was out of the hospital I learned to drive, ride bikes, run, and anything else I would have been able to do if I had living legs.

Gamzee signed me out of the hospital at the end and we drove to a McHussie which I was drooling over. Hospital food was getting old. "Starved?" Gamzee asked and I nodded at him in the car drooling out the corner of my mouth. His smile appeared and in minutes I was unwrapping the green paper with the H on it that covered my food. Gamzee ate with one hand and when he needed it I would put his straw to his mouth for him to get a drink.

We got to his place and got out throwing our trash away in a public trash can. "I thought you lived in a house?" I questioned and he threw his arm around me.

"It's a house to me." He guided me to building F of the apartment buildings. We went up the stairs to room A9. Gamzee unlocked the door and we walked in.

As I made my way in I looked around the rooms. A T.V and couch with his desk and laptop. Can't forget his three game systems. That was the living room. The kitchen was a kitchen, may I add there was no table in the small place that was suppose to be used as the dining room. Instead was boxes which I assumed he never got to unpacking. There was two rooms one he said was for quest and the other was his. Plain with a bed and the bathroom across from his room. "I spend most of my time in the living room."

"I couldn't tell." I said sarcastically. "So? How are your neighbors?"

"I don't really talk to them. One of them is always trying to hop my stick." I ignored his statement. We went to the living room and he hooked up TrollQuest:knight in dark. A game I remembered playing with him the same day I lost my legs. It was still at the place we had left off. "You didn't play in all that time.." I looked at the screen confused.

"Well that would have just been rude. We promised to finish this game together didn't we." We did. It made me smile. "Besides" He continued. "I had plenty of games to play in the time you've been in your sleeping beauty story."

"Excuse me, I wasn't awoken by a kiss by what I remember."

"Not awoken, but there was a few kisses exchanged." My cheeks burnt and I looked at him in a small rage, he was smiling at the screen as he played.

"Not if I had anything to say about it!" He looked at me blankly and kissed me before going back to his game and i slapped him, harder then I would have back when we were in high school. He set his contol down calmly and I swallowed. Maybe that was a bad idea. He chuckled softly and in moments he had tackled me onto the floor making my controller fly across the room and I'm sure his neighbors below us heard as we made a thud agaisnt the carpeted floor. "Ah!" My eyes opened widely as he kissed from my forehead to my neck. It was like a dog slobbering all over your face, but they were to big to push off so you couldn't do anything. "Stop it!" I whinned and pulled on his hair making him look up at me.

"Ow, Tavy that wasn't nice.."

"Well!" I hit his face with the palm of my hand and he sat up on top of me in the wrong place making me blush. "That's what happens when you slobber all over someone with your bacteria!" I pushed him off and found my way back up on the couch. He rubbed his nose and sighed looking at me. He was trying to be mad, but I could tell he was holding in a laugh. I couldn't help myself, we ended up laughing together.

What idiots.

(H!TavrosxH!Gamzee) Loss for WordsWhere stories live. Discover now