Minor Majors {Chp.6}

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First day and everything seemed pretty normal. Then was graphics. My major. The class looked like an office. It was a big room with tables spread about. The professor, who said he was more of just a supervisor, was in the middle of the room. We broke ourselves up into groups of four seating at tables. They were more like desk. With the thin office chairs and school computers. They always bought the exclusive ones. Which nothing was blocked. For one it's college, for another we had to get files for our work.

Kai, Julin and I sat at the same office space. Everyone else had four people. We were the only group of three. Kai spun around in his chair. "Starting today we are officially game design majors!" He stopped spinning slamming his hands on the desk. "Aren't you guys excited? We made it. One of the best schools! Auditions went well. We passed the test and we already met people in our major to talk to."

"You need to calm down.." Julin was messing with the computer. We didn't get our codes yet so he was messing around on guest I suppose.

"You're just pissed we didn't get the same dorm room.." Kai patted him on the back.

"Damn right. Who can afford another living space on top of college fees."

"Um.." I spoke up and they looked at me. "If you both had a job after school you could both help pay rent.." That was what me and Gam did. We both worked at a second hand clothes shop together now. It helped pay the bills.

"You, of all people, have a room mate?" Julin asked with a smirk. "Don't be rude." Kai hit Julin on the head and Julin muttered something. "So what hour does he have our 'supervisor professor'?"

"He's a coder." Kai seemed a bit surprised at that statement. He asked how I was brave enough to get close to one of them. "We knew each other since high school." He nodded as our professor stood up and yelled for us to pay attention.

"Okay, you.. people can come up here and get your logins. I'm Mr.J your supervisor. I don't go by professor so please refrain from calling me so." He put a file on the desk he was holding. "Today we start our first project. Making fire move like fire. You'll have one week to make me moving graphics of fire in ten different gaming situations. These tables will mark who you'll be working with. In job projects and school. Please make sure to label the files based on that situation. You may begin." He moved to the side of the room where his bag sat as my group waited for the crowd at his desk to calm down before we got our logins.

"Ten! Is he crazy?" Kai looked from julin to me and back. "That's a lot of work!"

"He said we could work together.. I have a pretty good set up at me place." I was the one who said it. I wasn't lying. Most of the time Gamzee and me spent in our office anyways. "We could work on in there outside of class. Or stay after.."

"Hell no, I would much rather work on it at your place." Julin got up. "I'm going to my login. I want to download the files we'll need for later in my flash drive." We got our logins and started the project. We only got to the basic movement of fire and I designed our character to use. A simple man with beat clothes. We wouldn't have to use him much anyways.

After classes Gamzee had text telling me how he couldn't go straight home. So I took a bus home instead. A girl tried to flirt with me, how do I know? She asked for my number and I told her I was 19. That got her to leave me alone and we didn't exchange numbers.

I hated riding the bus. Alone that is..

At home I worked on our character movement. It was a little new for me, but not as hard as I thought. The earlier practices helped. The stomach rumbled and I looked at the clock on the screen. Seven PM on the dot. Gamzee still wasn't home. I made dinner putting a plate in the microwave for Gamzee and watched a show. Which was about a English homosexual man just going through embarrassing times.

I text Gam. There wasn't a reply. I was worried, but not as much as I felt I should have been. I knew Gamzee. He was a partier. He was strong enough to fight and his look didn't really want to make anyone fight him.

There was no use to staying up. I went to bed, which was a little hard for me. I had to unhook myself and it was hard to get comfortable without Gamzee. So I used my pillow as a substitute.

I didn't sleep well..

Waking up I was alone in the bed. The food was still in the microwave and no reply from Gamzee. Now I was just a bit more worried. I tried to forget it and just go to school. Early due to the bus schedules and I messaged my partners. We worked on the project in the classroom. I hadn't talked since I left school the day before so when I spoke up I was even drawn back and they laughed at me. I laughed with them.


The week went on. Gamzee came home the next day. He didn't drive me home though. It was the same all week. Gamzee coming home late and not eating dinner that I made. He said his teacher was like a dictator and gave them no free time. Coding had to be hard. Saturday hit and Kai and Julin came over.

Gamzee had to leave before they came. "So were is your coder roommate?" Kai Sat in my office chair and put the flash drive in.

"He's busy. He's... been busy all week.." it made me think. Gamzee only slept with me twice this week and barely kissed me at all. "We worked on more of the project. Got six of the ten done. You finish our character?" Julin sat in Gamzees chair and poked me. I was sitting on the floor doodling. "Really?" I looked up from my sketch book. "I wouldn't have known. I mean I didn't help you guys all week and yes I finished our character."

"You seem out of it Tav." Kai was opening up the files. He was a rally good organizer I must admit.

"Well yeah, I never knew my roommate would leave me so lonely... do you guys want to hang out after we finish this."

"We won't finish this and have free time unless we work all night." Julin laughed.

"Then why don't we work on it all night.. I have food and water. You guys can drink if you want and.. um." I paused and Kai turned his head from the computer to me. Telling me to continue. "Basically I don't want to be alone another night.. I've never been alone."

"Pfft. Yeah. Anything to get away from my dorm." Kai turned back to his computer screen. "You guys can have the bed." I smiled and got up off the floor to watch kai. "I'll sleep on the couch."

"Nah me and Julin can take the living room. Plus that doof wouldn't share a bed with me."

"Please. Plus my couch turns into a bed anyways.." After talking for a bit I got them to agree and we continued our day/night. Finishing the project around 3am and me going to bed without pulling the bed out. With my legs still attached.

Gamzee still wasn't home.

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