Don't Talk {Chp.7}

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We need to talk.. the words danced in my head all day. It was what Gamzee told me over the phone this morning. He never came home Sunday. So Julin, kai, and I had meals together and played video games, which they were way better than me. They left late so they would be ready for classes.

It was Monday and I only had two classes. College was way different then grade school. Classes were all over the place. There was school on the weekends for some students, like Gam. It kinda made me sad. I really missed him. It hit my pet hard in graphics. It was all I could think about. What did he want to talk about? I couldn't listen to the teacher and Kai had to take the flash drive from my pocket to turn in our project.

"Dude, seriously?" Julin was talking. He had his hands in his pockets and Kai has his arm around my shoulders. Classes were over and it was around four so we were going to spend the day together again. Starting with food.

"What?" I glanced over to him.

"You didn't pay attention in class today. Kai had to pretty much touch your butt to get our work turned in."

"I have a pretty nice butt anyways.." There was a silent pause and then laughter. I was glad I had them. If anything bad did happen between me and Gamzee I would have someone to talk to.

We went to my place and Gamzee was on the couch playing a new game. I could tell since the wrapping was still on the China table. "You're actually home!" I smiled and Kai patted my head laughing. "Oo.. that was loud huh?.."

Gamzee got up and came to me kissing my cheek. "Gam what are you doing?" He kissed me again, but on the lips and Julin made a confused noise. I didn't fight it. I really missed him and he was really warm. So when he hugged he around the waist and his lips attacked mine I gladly put my hands on his chest and let him attack me.

He eventually let go and I put my head in his chest moving my hands down his shirt a bit and holding it. "What did I just witness?" It was Julins voice.

"It's called love.." that was Kais voice.

"Yeah it means get out.." that was Gamzee. I looked at him and was smiling and looked at me petting my hair.

"Message me!" I turned around and Gamzee put his arms around me. Julin pushed Kai out the door and closed it. "Are they together?" Gam kissed the top of my head and I shook my head. "Is the blue eyes gay?"

"Kai? Not that I know of.." Kai was a pretty man with blue eyes and light brown hair. He also had reading glasses, which he wore less than Gam and me did. Julin had died black hair and green eyes. They both were really pretty at least to me and just as tall as Gamzee.

"Oh well." Gamzee let me go and pulled on my arm making me turn. I bumped into him and he laughed. "I have free time."

"I see and I'm happy."

"I can tell. You're blushing." He felt my cheeks and I closed my eyes. He put his hand into mine and pulled me to our room. I asked what he wanted and all he said was "a good nap.."

Sitting on the bed he took my pants off and helped me take off my prosthetics. He started to take my shirt off and I held it. "Ga-" his lips blocked my words and I got the point. I let my shirt come off and he undressed himself. He hugged me and kissed my neck. Before he could push me down my questions came back up again.

"Wouldn't you rather have someone who.. has legs to do these type of things with you?.." He looked at me seriously and I turned my head.

"Tavy. How many times do I have to repeat myself?" I knew what he had to say, but I wanted to hear it again.

"I only love you for the way you are.."


Warmth greeted me when I woke up. It was early morning and I didn't have class till nine today. Gamzee had his arms around me and his chest smelt nice. He has obviously prepared for this.

"Morning." His fingers made thier way threw my hair and I looked up at him. His gently morning kiss made me melt and I breathed out happily. "Did I hurt you?"

I could help but laugh. "At first. It was.. actually kinda nice.."

"I'll be your first and last.."

"I hope so.."

We talked till I list track of time and had to be to class soon. Gamzee started classes after me today. The good thing was we had our majors the same time of the day. So if we didn't have to stay after we could see each other after school. Which usually didn't happen.

After school.. things went back to normal. To our  normal. I hated our normal. "How can you do this then ignore me again.."

"Well, I'm just.. busy."

"You don't even talk to me at work anymore."

"I have a lot of things to do."

"Even at nights y-"

"Got to go.. I should be working.."

He walked away and I watched him. "I just..." I just want to be with you..

( Authors note: I do not plan on continuing this unless someone is interested I honestly had all theses written 5 months before posting I will continue if anyone likes) 

(H!TavrosxH!Gamzee) Loss for WordsWhere stories live. Discover now