V.G.C Academy {Chp. 5}

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School was opening up soon and Gam and I took the entry exams. Which surprised me when he got a ninety-seven against my ninety-six. "Smarter then you remember huh?" He slid his office chair over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Only by one percent." I smiled. "Plus they were slightly different test."

"Whatever you say."

We had sold the quest room bed and used the money to buy a new couch, which unfolded into a bed, and a desk and laptop, with more money, for me. The empty room became our office with a T.V.  two desk and two laptops. We moved his small office back here from the living and added mine basically.

Gam and me? We loved video games and I could draw. By that I mean make animated fire look like fire and water look like water. Gamzee learned a lot about coding, mainly online while he was bored at the hospital. So we didn't see why we couldn't get into video game creating and design. Opening for V.G.C Academy  was followed soon after we got our test grades. V.G.C was the college we had applied and got into.

I was in the bathroom doing my hair as Gam finally decided to awake. He lazily brushed his hair standing next to me. He never really did anything to it. The messy look worked with him though. He glanced at me as I finished my hair, sighing he brushed his teeth and I waited for him. First thing in the morning I brushed my teeth. Otherwise I felt disgusting. Gamzee rinsed out his mouth and kissed me. I gladly returned one. He had learned the hard way that I would not kiss him before his teeth were cleaned. On top of that it helped his breath. Let's just say, one of us has serious morning breath and the other has a pretty good slapping hand.

"Morning lazy.." I joked landing my lips on top of his again. He was tall still and getting kisses had to be a two person agreement other wise I couldn't reach his lips. He shook his head smiling and shooed me out of the bathroom so he could get ready.

I went to our room and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing my walking prosthesis or walking legs today so they just looked like legs under my pants. Gam was the only one I felt comfortable with when my prosthetics were off or when they were able to be seen at all. I wouldn't even like it when the doctor had to see me without them.

Gamzee hugged me from being swaying side to side lightly and putting his chin on my head. "Listen, little mister, don't worry what you look like." He leaned down a bit to whisper in my ear even though no one else was here. "I'm the only one you have to worry about impressing anyways." He kissed my ear and I rubbed it since it felt weird. "And.." He went on. "I already love you too much, I don't think I could go back from that."

"Stop sweet talking me." I giggled and turned around walking backwards out the room and he followed so I could see his smiling face. "I know you just want to get laid."

"Well, can't deny that.." That was the only thing I don't think we did together as a couple. That sex thing he wanted so badly. Nights he would ask and excuse himself to the bathroom for extended amounts of time. It's not that I didn't exactly want to, but I didn't know how bare I would have to be in front of him and if that included having my prosthetics on or not? I want comfortable sleeping with them on. So having sex with them would be weird. At least that was my mind set.

The radio turned on in Gams car and it brought me back to reality. The ceremony was in a little under an hour and I was getting excited. This was a big day for the both of us. "I'm way to excited.." I admitted.

"Like me when I spoon you in bed?" I blushed and hit his arm. "I was joking geez." He said sarcastically and we didn't talk much on the ride over. We already talked about everything at home. Being around each other so much we were even able to finish each other's sentences and read each other. Me more then Gamzee, but that was okay with me. It was kinda a good thing he could read me as well. It was probably the only reason I still had my V-card.

We made it as everyone was crowding in. Gamzee kissed me when we walked inside and we split up to get our scedules. I stood in line looking around. There wasn't much to see. People were crowded everywhere. So all I could see was them. A man bumped into me and I turned around to him saying sorry and hitting his friend who had pushed him. He signed and exstended a hand to me. I looked at it to him. "Oh, I'm Kai. I'm also going to be a first year. Just like this idiot behind me." I shook his hand and the guy put his hand out too which I again looked at then at his face.

"I'm julin." We shook hands. He had a firm hand. They looked at me and I remembered it was my turn to speak. "O-oh, Um.. I'm Tavros.." Julin muttered how it was a weird name and turned back around embarrassed. Kai decided to walk in front of me so I looked up at him. He was around Gamzees hight. Which meant I was surrounded by more tall people. "Don't listen to him. He's a jerk. You excited though. We're going to be video game designers! "

"Yeah huh?" That did make me smile. This was going to be fun. Well other then the academics we had to take. Who likes academics anyways?

"So how old are you? Me and Julin are a comfortable 24.." I wondered if they were together. I had just met them and I'm sure that's not a question to ask. "We've known each other since high school. The arty kids in class."

"I'm nine-teen.." I looked at his chest blankly. "Move up. The line moved." He stepped back. 

"Good savings then.." He smiled and I smiled back up at him. We all talked while we were in line to get our papers and roomates for those who were staying in the dorms. We traded numbers and found that we had the same major hours together. We said our goodbyes after they both texted me to make sure they got the right number. I leaned against a pole outside the doors waiting for Gamzee. Who wasn't seeming to be coming any time soon. I got bored and counted the people walking out. The ones I could catch with my eyes at least. 107, 108, 109, 1- Gam! 

I started walking to him and he was smiling with a dude next to him. It didn't stop me though. I wasn't one to get jealous.. As far as I knew. "Gam.." I spoke up when I reached him. They were walking to the car and he swung his arm around me. "There you are!" He kissed the top of my head and hit his side. "SO damn fighsty.."

"I was waitig outside forever.." 

"Sorry, I got caught up.." He said looking at the man behind him. I sighed again and we all made it to the car. After going back and forth I convinced our stranger to sit up front with Gam. I still didn't understand why he was with us. He came over to our place and just played video games and ate lunch and dinner with us. In the time he was over, all day. I learned he liked to be called A. He didn't leave till seven. I breathed out and slid down the door when he left. 

"Company is so hard.." Gamzee crawled on the floor over to me getting between my legs and kissing me. His hands were next to my waist and I gladly kissed him back. He moved his lips to my neck and I wrapped my arms around his neck relaxing. "New friend?"

"Let's not worry about A. I've been waiting to kiss you for hours on end.." He licked my neck making me cringe and he continued tugging on the collar of my shirt. "I love you Tavy." 

"I love you too.." I smiled and leaned my head away from him so he would have more space. Class was in two days and we both already knew exsactly where our classes were so we didn't have to go on campus the next day. I sat on the bed after I took my pants off. Gamzee was already in just his boxers and helped me take off my prosthesis. He leaned them against the wall and I whined. He smiled and put them by the night stand like usual. "Better. They're closer now.." 

I was in a looser T-shirt now. I couldn't sleep without a shirt on like Gamzee could. I felt too bare. He kissed me and helped me in bed with him. I rested my head on his chest. He was warm and I loved it.. I loved everything about him. he put his hand on my head and I looked up at him. He spoke. "I'm so gay.."

I laughed and moved my fingers along his chest. "I am for you.." I put my head back down and smiled closing my eyes for the night. "We should have quest over more.."

(H!TavrosxH!Gamzee) Loss for WordsWhere stories live. Discover now