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after carrie fainted julie had a doubt that her dad is the reason TREVOR WILSON , julie felt sad , they drove her to the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out , while they were waiting , julie rested her head on luke's shoulder " u okay princess ?" he asked her , she didn't pay attention for what he said , cause all she could think about was her child and carrie , she was imagining that TREVOR was beating carrie and killed her , then he would go to her and kill her baby , that's all she could think of but then she decided to talk to carrie , she wanted to protect her best friend , she wanted TREVOR to go to Jail ,she wanted revenge for her best friend , but then she was out of her thoughts by a soft voice " ....les JULES u okay ?" and that soft voice was luke's she faked a smile and nodded before placing her head back on his shoulder " she's gonna be okay , i know when u are lying " Luke said , she took his arm and wrapped it around her and snuggled into him " thnx baby " she said as she raised her head and gave him a pick , she rested her head back into Luke's chest then the dr came  out " h how is she ?" julie asked as she rushed to the doctor , the doctor smiled " she's okay , but she have a broken hand which is bad , she have been self harming and bruises in her neck and her cheeks " when julie heard that she got angry , she was like a volcano " that bitch , i should've called the police for him " she yelled.

" hey u okay " she heard someone whisper in her ear , as soon as she heard his voice she calmed down , but suddenly she had to go to the bathroom " oh i need the bathroom , flynn would u mind coming ?" she said , flynn nodded and went with julie to the bathroom .

the others was talking to the dr , " well , she needs to stay away from whoever did that to her , and she doesn't need to stress it'd make things worse " the doctor said they thanked him and he left , then flynn came to them running , she was crying and worried " flynn what's wrong ? where's julie ? " concerned luke asked , he didn't want to lose his own child ,flynn cleared her throat before talking " julie ... she she slipped and , and she can't ... move " flyn said crying , luke quickly ran to the bathroom to find julie on the ground , he took her and called the dr , the dr checked on her .

" well , she's fine , and her baby is fine which is a miracle but she needs to go walk every week at least , her legs are weak which means , she'd need help ." he said , luke wiped his tears " thank u doctor " luke said , the doctor nodded and left , luke walked to julie and hugged her " i thought i ... i lost her " he said , julie hugged back and smiled " but she's okay now " julie said as she planted a kiss in luke's neck then they pulled back " can i go see carrie ?" she asked , luke nodded and helped her walk to carrie's room , she and luke told her what they wanted to do to help her , she agreed but was scared " no problem car's move with me and luke he doesn't know we have a house"Julie assured her Carrie smiled " thnx jules" she said , Julie smiled " it's okay cheerybear " Julie said and they all laughed at the nickname.

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