The cemetery: revived

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sorry ya'll for not posting , i've been reading other stories ang get ideas from them , NOT COPYING !!!! it's not good , so i thought i would do this chapter rn after spending so long without updating . 



after dinner julie was in the kitchen , she looked at luke , who was washing the dishes with me " so .... i've been thinking ..." she said as they finished the dishes " i want to go to the cemetery , cause ya know ,checking on the stones ?" she said nervous about his answer , " that's okay " , then carrie came into the kitchen " hey guys " she said smiling " hey carrie , why r u so happy ?" luke asked to earn a playful smack from julie and a giggle from carrie " yeah , Alex ... he .. he " she then blushed , " he asked me out eek" she squealed " congrats ,btw i need to get ready anyways , luke ya coming ?" jule asked , " yeah " they left and carrie texted flynn for help .


julie and luke went to the cemetery and looked at each stone , looking for luke's , reggie's , alex's and rose's stone , they didn't find it , julie stood near to luke " does this mean .... " " you've been given a second chance " julie and luke heard , they turned around and saw a fairy , she was pale ,wearing white dress , blonde , brown eyes , she was tall , she had a bright smile  , but she have no wings .

 " " you've been given a second chance " julie and luke heard , they turned around and saw a fairy , she was pale ,wearing white dress , blonde , brown eyes , she was tall , she had a bright smile  , but she have no wings

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" am hailey , a cemetery gardian ," julie and luke were shocked , then they saw their selves on a bench .

" i know that both of you are thinking what happened ?" she said to both , they both nodded " so you two are soulmates , luke was a ghost when u two met , he had an unfinished business , you helped him through a lot , that confirms that u are responsible to take care of people , rose was ur first wish , but as we knew the unfinished business should go first , your mom gave you signs though , i was with her this whole time , but being revived has a huge affect to people " she said to them .

 " how's that ?" julie asked 

"  well at first , luke's parents will be living 1995 , before lukes death but in another way in 2020 , they'll never mention that you died and then it'll affect all the people who were fans of your band , you NEVER DIED , you are still 17 and there's other side affects too " she said looking guilty for what she's gonna tell them .

" what are these , you are scaring me " liuke said 

" both of you and your family ..... will live ... happily ever after " she said as she smiled " oh god , you scared me . they heard a bell " oh time to go bye " hailey said as she poofed out , luke and julie went back home happily .

" i'v been thinking ...... let's visit my parents " luke said , julie smiled , they went and met mitch and emily , they had a lot of fun talking together. 

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