Chapter 4

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Without warning, Korn charged forward, landing a nasty right hook across Simon's jaw causing the man to be thrown back from the impact.

That punch alone was enough to knock him out. But Korn, fuelled by his anger at seeing the man pinning down his sobbing lover, continued raining punches on the man below him. The man had his arms out trying to push Korn off but Korn easily intercepted it.

What Korn saw just seconds ago kept replaying itself in his head. The man was wedged in between Knock's legs and had his boyfriend's wrist pinned on the sofa. The things the man had said to Knock. God knows what the man had done and said before he came in. Seeing Knock sobbing and pleading for the man to stop.

He must have been calling for him this whole time and he was almost too late.

Korn was furiously beating down on the asshole. "How fucking dare you? I'll fucking kill you." he roared.

The moment Knock saw the man he had been praying for, he finally found himself being able to breathe deeply. He attempted to sit up. "K-Korn." Knock called out, his voice soft and hoarse. He wanted Korn. He wanted to be wrapped in those strong arms and be safe again.

Korn didn't seem to hear him.

"Korn, please." Knock sobbed louder. At that, Korn stopped. He spun around, eyes meeting Knock's own. The furious, fiery look in his eyes gone the moment he laid his eyes on Knock's teary eyes.

"Knock." Korn rushed over, his arms immediately wrapping around the shivering frame. Knock buried his face in Korn's chest, his arms wrapped around his waist. "Korn. Korn, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Korn." he rambled.

"Shh shh. Knock, love. Stop apologising. I'm here now. I'm here." Korn shush him soothingly, his warm hands gently rubbing his boyfriend's bare back. "I'm sorry for not coming sooner." Korn silently thought.

Korn's eyes fell on the bloodied, unconscious man on the floor. He felt the heat of anger travelling up his body again. He wanted nothing more than to end that guy. But for now, Knock is a sobbing mess in his arms and he just wanted his love to be okay again.

"K-Korn. He put something in my drink." Knock looked up at him teary eyed and Korn saw a red mark on his lover's face from where Simon had smacked him. That asshole.

Korn's eyes travelled further to see any injuries and saw red when he saw the marks on his lover's neck and chest. Korn stopped another growl within his chest. Oh he's definitely not finished with that guy yet.

For now, he took off the jacket he was wearing and put it on Knock's back, enveloping him in it. Knock felt the material cover his back and was immediately covered in Korn's warmth and scent. Knock wrapped his arms around Korn, finally feeling safe and wanted nothing more than to go home.

For the next few moments, Korn held Knock. An arm rubbing up and down his back while another hand held Knock's face close to his neck where his lover had buried his face in. His hand combed through the soft brunette hair soothingly. "You're okay love. I'm here." Korn repeated as he dropped soft kisses on the top of Knock's head lovingly.

Knock kept his face buried in Korn's neck and he tried to calm his pounding heart. Breathing in Korn's scent reminded him of home. The home they shared and the place where he felt safe. Korn's gentle caress on his hair and back was helping him get over how roughly the man handled him earlier.

At that thought, Knock whimpered slightly and pressed himself more into Korn. He was almost... raped.

Towards the end he actually thought he would be. He had felt so helpless then. And he had briefly wondered how he would get back home to Korn. How would Korn react knowing someone had forced Knock to have sex? The scenarios that had come up in his head were terrible. He remembered picturing Korn's disgusted face. He pictured Korn wanting nothing to do with him anymore even though he knew Korn would never do all that. Korn would never abandon him like that.

He shook the thoughts away. "Korn, please take me home." he mumbled against Korn's chest as his sobs subsided.

Knock still felt weak, the effects of god-knows-what-that-fucker-had-him-drink, still running through his system. "Of course, love." Korn kissed the top of his lover's head. "Can you get up?"

Knock tried to move but on top of the drug effects and the struggle he put up earlier, he was drained. Knock started to sob, shaking his head.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here, I got you Knock." Korn shushed him soothingly, his hands stroking his hair as he laid soft kisses on the brunette locks.

Knock felt Korn put his arms into the jacket sleeve before shifting himself. Knock felt his lover's arms under his knees and back. He moved to wrap his arms around the broad, strong shoulders and buried his face in Korn's neck again as Korn carried him out.

Stepping out of the room, Korn spotted a bouncer coming their way. "Hey. There is a man in there who drugged my boyfriend and tried to... hurt him." Korn struggled to finish his sentence and he felt Knock wound his arms tighter around his shoulders.

The bouncer gave a nod and went into the room. He had taken out his walkie-talkie and radioed his other buddies Korn assumed. Korn quickly caught the name on the bouncer's name tag.

"Pat". Korn committed that name to memory. Korn wanted to follow up with him and make sure the man who assaulted Knock would be punished.

Korn continued his way out of the club and to his luck a cab had just stopped to drop off some party goers.

Korn looked back into the club, his jaw clenched at the thought of that man still in there. He wasn't sure what that bouncer would do. Would he call the police? Would he call the ambulance? Would he just let that man go?

He felt Knock shift in his arms and he turned his attention to his lover. Knock's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes shut and Korn noted that Knock's normally tanned complexion was turning pale.

First things first. I need to make sure you're okay, Knock.

Then i'll get that guy. 

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