Chapter 18

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The police had driven Korn and Knock back home seeing as Knock was still pretty shaken up about the incident. Not once did Korn leave his side.

Fai had been the one to contact the police when Farm texted the group. With the live location Yihwa sent she directed the police to where they were. She also provided the location where there were cameras to capture Simon and his men trespassing school and attempting to kidnap Knock.

Simon and his men were arrested but not before getting treated at the hospital with half a dozen police officers on guard.

The police officer who had gotten the medical report flipped through his notebook.


Broken nose.

Broken jaw.

Broken wrist.

Multiple broken ribs.

Several internal bleeding.

The officer reading out the lists of injuries sustained by Simon and his men looked up from his notebook incredulously as he stared at Korn. His partner flickered his eyes around Korn's form who looked almost fresh aside from the bruised knuckles he sported. They simply nodded their heads and moved on from the topic.

Knock, Cho, Yihwa, Farm and Fai stared at Korn with jaws dropped at the damage Korn had caused. Korn bit his lip as he looked away sheepishly avoiding eye contact.

He wasn't proud of his rage. Yes they deserved it. But he didn't like how out of control he gets when he was furious.

Unfortunately, as they were still students, Korn and Knock's parents were called as they were directly involved in the incident. The rest were instructed to go home. Korn's parents had arrived first, his mum immediately fussing over him and turning him around to check if he was injured.

"Mae, I'm okay." Korn chuckled and tried to reassure her.

His mum stopped her fussing and glared up at her son. She suddenly reached up and twisted his ear causing him to shriek and tried to get her hands off. "Ah! Ah mae! That hurts!"

"Oh that hurt, huh!" His mum chided him. She was scolding him. She was mad at him. But everyone could see the love and concern in her eyes.

"What about the worry you caused me and your father, huh?" She released her hold on his ear and Korn jumped back to get away. He scurried behind Knock who quickly wai-ed to her and Korn's father.

Korn's mother immediately switched her stance. Her angry expression melted into that of care and concern. "Oh my dear Knock." she spread her arms wide as she stepped forward enveloping him in her arms. Knock hunched a little as he too brought his arms around her and he giggled in her shoulders.

Korn's mum always had a soft spot for him. When they were children, Knock always came to hang out at Korn's house as his parents were always away for work. Korn's house was practically his second home. His mum had even put Korn's mum as his emergency contact should anything happen and they weren't available.

Korn's mum rubbed her hands comfortingly on his back. "Are you okay, Knock? Are you hurt?"

Korn, still grasping his ear, stared in disbelief. Her own son had sustained some injuries, although minor, when protecting Knock and his mum showed more affection to Knock instead of him.

What is it with mother's and showing more affection to other people's kids but not their own? Korn scowled childishly.

Knock shook his head. "I'm okay." he smiled into her shoulder. "Korn got to me in time."

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