Chapter 7

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Korn shifted in his sleep, his arm swinging out to the other side of the bed. His arm landed on the soft space next to him and he unconsciously moved his arms out further searching for the familiar form of his boyfriend. 

He felt nothing. 

Korn jerked awake. His eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to open his eyes. He snapped his head to where Knock was supposed to be next to him and found nothing. Knock wasn’t there. Still hazy from sleep and his mind still struggling to function, Korn looked around the room finding no trace of Knock.  

It was then, he heard the sound of running water. He sat up and perked his ears, his head snapping to the bathroom. The sound is coming from there. 

Korn got up and moved towards their shared bathroom. He recognised the sound as the water running from the shower. 

Was Knock taking a shower? Is he feeling better? 

His hand reached for the knob and he was about to turn it when he stopped. Is this okay? Will Knock be startled. Normally, he would have simply turned the knob and went in without a thought. Over the last few months they have gotten so used to each other’s presence that they can comfortably leave their bathroom door unlocked and have walked in on the other.  

But after what happened, will Knock be okay with this? 

He released his hand on the knob and brought his hand up as he contemplated knocking on the door. He leaned his head to the door. He wasn’t sure what he was looking out for but as he pressed his ear on the door, he heard soft sobs over the sound of running water. Korn straightened up and gently turned the knob. 

“Knock.” Korn called out gently as he pushed the door open. What he saw shattered his heart. His beautiful Knock was curled up on the floor, his arms hugging his knees that were pressed closed to his chest. Korn could see the tremble of his boyfriend’s shoulders and head as he sobbed into his arms. The water from the shower running over his bare skin soaking his already shivering lover. 

“Knock. Love.” Korn called out gently as he slowly made his way to the shower stall. 

Knock heard Korn and lifted up his head a little. Korn’s heart broke at the tear-filled eyes. Those doe-eyes that shouldn’t be filled with so much pain were red and puffy and Korn wanted nothing more than to wipe those tears away and kiss away the pain. 

“Korn.” Knock whimpered. 

Korn stepped into the shower stall. He didn’t care that he was getting wet. Knock was still in the boxers that Korn had changed him into and he was soaked. 

How long had Knock been in here?  

Knock’s tear filled eyes gazed at Korn and he held out a trembling hand that Korn took without a moment’s hesitation. Korn knelt down in front of Knock, his other free hand running over Knock’s wet hair and damp skin.

“Knock?” Korn asked gently. He wasn’t sure what to ask. He wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t want to sound dumb asking ‘Are you okay?’ when Knock clearly wasn’t.  

“Knock, do you wanna talk about it, love?” Korn tried. He leaned forward pressing a kiss on his lover’s forehead. Knock shut his eyes as he felt the protective form of his boyfriend over him and the soft press of his lips against his forehead. Such a relief from before. 


Just like that Knock was overwhelmed with the memory of what happened just a few hours ago. He had finally noticed the marks on his neck and chest when he had gotten up to go to the bathroom. He had a good look at himself and noticed how pale he looked and the red marks stood out even more as if it was taunting him and reminding him of the traumatising experience. 

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