Chapter 6

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Korn heard the door open and turned to see Dr Bright at the doorway. "Knock. How are you feeling?" Dr Bright inquired gently.

Knock didn't lift his head from Korn's shoulder and instead shifted to look at his cousin. "I want to go home, Bright". Knock's voice was still hoarse and as if Bright expected it, he handed Korn a bottle of water.

Korn took the bottle and opened it before bringing it to Knock's lips. Knock moved his arms to wrap around Korn's waist as he gratefully took a few sips.

"Bright. I want to go home." Knock repeated, his voice getting clearer. He then looked up at his boyfriend pleadingly, his eyes red from crying. "Korn."

"Can I take him home?" Korn wanted nothing more than to bring Knock home, where he can take care of him.

Bright was scanning Knock for any signs that showed Knock needs further monitoring. But now that Knock is awake and the test result is mostly clean, other than the presence of the drug which will be out of his system by daytime, Bright concluded that it's safe for Knock to go home.

Bright personally drove them home, reminding Korn to give him a call at any time if Knock still felt unwell. Korn thanked him and wrapped his arm around Knock's waist to support him up to their home.

Knock had never felt better stepping into their home, knowing no harm will get to him here. Especially when Korn is by his side. Knock's was still feeling light-headed and just wanted to be curled up in bed with Korn. Korn helped Knock to their bedroom where Knock immediately laid down. His eyes shutting the moment his head hit the pillow.

Korn glanced down at his lover, his hand softly reaching out to softly caress the brunette hair. "Knock, I'm just going to the bathroom to get some water okay?" Korn gently assured. He didn't want Knock to start panicking when he didn't see Korn. Knock hummed softly in response, his head lightly pressing against Korn's hand.

Korn took quick steps to the bathroom, getting a bowl and filling it up. He made sure the water was a nice, warm temperature before getting a cloth. Korn was by Knock's side within minutes carefully placing the bowl of water in front of him and next to Knock.

Knock was still wearing Korn's jacket that had been buttoned up in Bright's car when Knock had felt cold from the air conditioning.

"Korn..." Knock's eyes were still shut as he weakly called for Korn.

"I'm here, Knock." Korn leaned forward pressing his lips to his lover's forehead. "I'm just going to give you a quick bed bath hhmm."

Knock simply hummed in response.

Korn carefully unbuttoned his jacket, gently lifting Knock to slide the sleeves off. He folded the jacket placing it at the foot of the bed before turning back to his boyfriend. It was then Korn truly noticed the marks on Knock's neck and chest. He gritted his teeth and he felt the painful clench in his chest as he eyed the skin around around Knock's neck and chest. He had briefly seen it at the club and at the hospital, but only now did Korn actually notice the extent of the incident and anger coursed through his veins.

Korn was aware of the hard pounding of his heart in his chest and steadied his breathing. He still needed to find out who that asshole was. He wanted to find him and have him pay for what he dared to do to his sweet Knock.

Forcing himself to push away those thoughts, he gently patted the damp cloth on Knock's face. Knock seemed to have fallen asleep. Korn continued his way down, gently dabbing the cloth down to Knock's neck. Korn couldn't help wish that with every pat and rub, the red marks on his lover's skin would be washed away. He wanted to erase the events that had happened tonight. He wanted Knock to not remember anything about tonight.

Korn moved his eyes up to Knock's face. His heart settled at the peaceful expression. His soft features relaxed, his lips slightly parted. Korn couldn't help himself as a hand reached out to gently caress the soft cheeks and he pressed a kiss on Knock's forehead.

"I love you, Knock." Korn whispered against his forehead. As Korn pulled away, Knock started mumbling. "Mm mm mm."

Korn lightly chuckled. Taking that as an "I love you" from Knock. He continued running the damp cloth down Knock's body, discarding his lover's jeans along the way. Korn took his time, dunking the cloth into the bowl every few rubs. Knock continued sleeping, his body shifting once in a while allowing Korn to manoeuvre his body.

When Korn was done, he carefully got off the bed so as to not wake Knock with his movements. Leaving the bowl in the bathroom and chucking the cloth in the laundry basket, Korn changed out of his shirt and jeans and into his boxers and tank top. He then crawled into bed next to Knock, turning his body to face his boyfriend and wrapped an arm and leg over Knock's pliant body. He sometimes does this when he sleeps because he's a clingy idiot. But this time it was as if he's shielding Knock from danger with his own body.

As if Knock knew, he turned his head towards his lover, his head resting on Korn's own. Korn closed his eyes listening to Knock's steady breathing, letting it lull him to sleep.

Right now, they both needed sleep. Everything else can wait till tomorrow. But at this moment, having Knock safe and sound in their home, their bed and in his arms is the only thing that matters.

Within minutes, Korn let the exhaustion of the day wear him out and he succumbed to sleep.

Authors note

Not the end of the story yet. Still got some things planned! 

Sorry for the short chapter! 

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