Fainted because of your dick? (8)

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The next day, Friday, Jungkook was determined to set Taehyung in his right place, where he belongs. And to Jungkook, Taehyung belonged in the trash; Not his heart or head, but in the trash.

He went on with his day like always, except he ignored the teacher to the core. He didn't even raise his hand to answer math questions he knew answers to.

Jungkook didn't spare the teacher a glance and didn't say more than was needed, which got on the teachers nerve somehow.

Taehyungs was interested in him. He tried to pin his math questions on jungkook to get him to talk, only for the student to say, "I don't know." Now he's annoyed.

"Jeon, if you say you don't know again, I will have you write this formula that we went through for the last few minutes 100 times," Taehyung warned and jungkook huffed, standing on his feet to walk towards the teacher on the board.

Jungkook reached the said teacher, he didn't look him in the eye though; jungkook proceeded to take the marker and attack that stupid question. His back faced the students while Taehyung stood next to him, staring at his side profile.

Taehyung stared at jungkook as he wrote and smirked when he saw the blush on jungkooks cheeks. Was Jungkook nervous? Maybe.

All of a sudden, jungkook hands began to tremble. He was shacking so much from the intense gaze that he didn't realize he was trembling and sweating. He tried so hard to focus but couldn't with those heartbeats of his stuck in his throat.

At some point, his hands hands tremendously trembled that the chalk fell next to taehyungs feet. He collected his breath before bending to pick it up. And as he slowly stood, the sight he saw had his body doing all sorts of things and he couldn't handle it one bit.

It was taehyung, the dude was staring down at him with hooded eyes. His lips glossy, his bangs sticking to his forehead. The sight was impeccable. He looked so hot and jungkook was staring, gulping upon spotting the bulge in taehyung pants.

Jungkook couldn't handle it; he fainted.

"Kook," Hyunkook called softly, patting the said males shoulders, "hey Kook. Are you dead? Already?"

Here is hyunkook, in the nurses office. The moment he saw his brother faint, his soul left. He was so worried and still is that he sat in that office ever since first period till now, fifth period, almost the end of the day and jungkooks still has not showed signs of wake.

"Kook, you can't die like that," Hyunkook dramatically cried out, taking jungkooks hand in his own. "You still have to suck dick. You can't die now."

Hyunkook whined as he kept talking meaningless words into jungkook ears just to keep the time passing. And when finally it was time for him to attend his most important class, he left the boy.

"When I come back, you better be awake, Kook. Or else I'm going to spill water on you," Hyunkook warned and kissed his forehead.

Hyunkook preceded out the door. And when he opened the door, a familiar handsome face met his own. "Mr. Kim?"

"Oh, Jeon. You're still here," Mr. Kim questioned, awkwardly.

"Um, Yes. What brings you here?"

"Is Jeon awake?"

"Not yet," Hyunkook replied with a sigh.

"Does he have a type of sickness or something?" Taehyung asked, concerned. And hyunkook shacked his head, no.

"No. Not that's I know at least. But no," Hyunkook replied. "I don't know why he suddenly fainted. He was perfectly fine."

Taehyung sighed, "Alright, you go to class now. I' will let you know when he wakes up."

That statement perked up Hyunkooks ears, "you came to check on Jungkook?"

"Yes. He's my student and I'm worried," Taehyung replied naturally.

"Ah, yes. Ok, Mr. Kim," Hyunkook smiled, "Thank you for worrying about my brother. Please inform me right away when he's awake," Hyunkook waved him goodbye, a blush decorating his face as he walked away.

Taehyung subtly smiled at the boys back and walked inside the office. His slow steps were shallow and soft, barely heard in that white and blue room.

At the very corner of the room, the was a bed with a blue curtain around it. Taehyung walked towards it, knowing exactly who was behind it: his student.

Taehyung opened the blue curtain, and his eyes were met with a peaceful looking student. The student, Jungkook, was sleeping soundly. His lips slightly opened, his eyes closed as his eyelashes laid down flawlessly and there it was, that sharp nose and those pink plumb lips; taehyung found himself staring longer than he should. 

"Jeon," Taehyung whispered, taking a seat next to jungkook on the bed. "I'm sorry."

Taehyung apologized, for what exactly?

Mr.Kim caresses Jungkooks bangs, sweeping them away from his brows and kissed his forehead. His lips lingered on the others forehead before he pulled away to caresses his cheeks.

While caressing his face, he said, "I know you don't like me for some odd reason. I'm sorry that I have interest in you. Which means you will have to keep up with me for, well, till you graduate." Taehyung mumbled, looking at jungkook fondly. "Get up soon. I want to play with you, Jeon."

It was a girl and a boy, sitting on the sea shore as they held each others hands tightly with smiles. They were there for a date as a couple would. The boyfriend, Jungkook, looked at his girlfriend fondly. His hands slowly rose to hold the others chin. He led her chin towards himself, leaning closer, eyes Boring into hers, then he looked at his lips only to see Mr.Kims lips-

"Ouch!" A wince echoed. That echo traveled all the way to the dreaming males ears, Jungkook shot up with widened eyes.

Jungkook looked around, his breath heaving from being startled, not only from his dream. He shacked his head cursing at himself for subtly dreaming about kissing that so called Mr.Kim. Jungkook scanned the room to find the source of this echo.

His eyes detected a what seemed like a back. Right, a persons back. The person was squatting on the ground, looking down with a sigh. And around him there was water and shattered glass on the floor.

"Why am I so clumsy?" The person muttered to himself and Jungkook scrunched his nose, flaring.

Today, I let go of a gem.
Have a good day, beautifuls!
Love, Dee.

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