Say my name again & Soft (13)

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"Yo bro!"

"Who's your bro?"


"Who's Hyunkook?"

"What's up man? You look down?"

Hyunkook sighs. It was only after he saw jungkook pacing around Taehyung's door that he came to worry. He was always worried for his little brother.

Well they've always been together since birth, since the beginning of their time. Having had gone through thick and thin together, Hyunkook knows and understands his brother whom he shares a room with, not because, but of love. He loves his brother to the point where he would disguise as him and take on his punishments.

Because he knows how the other feels. And when he saw Jungkook pacing around, he knew something was wrong. There has to be.

When jungkook was nervous, surely he nibbled on his bottom lip or sometimes tap his foot and that was normal, just a normal kind of nervous reaction. But pacing around nervously? Rare. Hyunkook has only ever seen that once; when one of Jungkooks closest friend was taken to the emergency room two years ago and he was the one driving before the accident. That's day, jungkook was anxious, furious at himself and sad.

And today, jungkook was pacing around, something big must've happen to him. Hyunkook is worried and wants to find out, but there's this annoying specimen of a human calling him bro out of nowhere when all he wants to do is eat lunch, think about what could've caused his brother to  act that way and then go find his brother.

The dude sits next to him, hugging his shoulders with a big smile.

Hyunkook looks at the boy with furrowed eyebrows, "Who are you, man? And can you stop touching me?"

The dude let's go, raising his hand in surrender, wearing a hurt expression. "I mean, we do play basketball together," the man pouts and proceeds to eat a fri from his plate, pouting.

"Basketball?" hyunkook questions.

"Hoseok, its hoseok," Hoseok exclaims, picking on his food.

"Oh, you," Hyunkook says.

"Yeah me," Hoseok grunts, "I mean, I know I just joined recently, but I did introduce myself and we played two games together. How could you not remem-"

"Shhhh, eat some of this," Hyunkook ceases his rambling by pressing a stake into his open mouth off guard, "it tastes good, Hoshki."

Hoseok chews what was given angrily. It do taste good though but. "My name is Hoseok," He enunciates, "Ho-Seok!"

Hyunkook ignores him, no really interested in him whatsoever and chews his food.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me?" Hoseok wails holding hyunkooks arm, "Stop ignoring me."

"Who are you again?"

Maybe I shouldn't have said that- jungkook curses himself but he doesn't regret it one bit! He's done it before and did it again, except the first time he gave in and apologized.

Jungkook looked at his lap, scared. He started to forget with his fingers, and biting his lips nervously. He knew he made taehyung mad. Really mad in fact. He know taehyung is glaring and his eyes are full of anger directed toward him. Taehyung this time, must be really really pissed.

Jungkook felt a tear roll down his cheek unconsciously. Damn he was weak.

Why was he crying? That, he does not know. He just knows that his heart is hurting and stammering against his chest after he thought about taehyung hating him.

But it's weird, weird how he can't feel taehyung glaring at him though. Jungkook wants to see if he's mad but can't bring himself to look at taehyung. In fact, he's thinking about running out.

Taehyung looks at jungkook bewildered. He didn't that's how jungkook had felt. All this time, he was just being a nuisance to the other, causing his pain. Of course jungkook didn't enjoy his actions, but the little soft moments they had, he at least thought he wasn't hurting jungkook to this point. Taehyung made him cry. And at that, taehyung felt needles piercing into his heart for hurting such beautiful creature.

Taehyung placed his index finger on jungkooks chin, in order to lift his face. "Look at me," He asked softly. And when jungkook looked at taehyung, he saw nothing of what he thought. Jungkook saw, worry, pain, soft eyes that held a bit of love if he saw properly. Which were all opposite of what he expected.

Jungkook felt taehyung wiping his tears with his thump as taehyung whispered, "I'm sorry."

Taehyung kept whispering the I'm sorry's only jungkook could hear as he leaned his forehead, against his. Their forehead connected and jungkook felt a rush of butterflies in his stomach. Honestly, he didn't understand why taehyung did that. But the soft look in his eyes told that he cared.

Jungkook saw another side of taehyung apart from his teacher.

"I don't hate you jungkook," Taehyung said abruptly, yet softly. Jungkook ayes widen at that. His eyes big in questioning 'then why'.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like some toy with no emotions. You far more than a toy. You're an angel you know. And indeed I am an asshole for making you feel that way," Taehyung continued, his voice drifting ever so gracefully into jungkook ears, making him calm down.

Jungkook giggles at that; "Asshole," He reiterated.

Taehyung giggles with him. "I am, aren't I?"

Jungkook hums, leaning onto Taehyung's touch. "You said my name."

"I know."

"Say it once more?"



"Jungkook. Pretty jungkook," Taehyung complemented, his left hand interlocking with jungkook and his other caressing his rosed cheeks. "You're so adorable."

"Nu, I'm not," Jungkook exclaimed, hitting taehyung chest lightly before hugging him tightly. This time, everything felt right. His mind followed his heat and his hearts beats for taehyung. "You called me pretty again."

"And I'll say it again and again, pretty. In fact, beautiful," Taehyung complemented, caressing jungkooks back; "because you are."

"Thank you," Jungkook said softly.

"I'm sorry. I won't ever treat you like that again," Taehyung confessed, sincerely.

Jungkook pulled out the hug, eyes questioning, "but why did you?"

Taehyung brushed a strand of his hair around is ear. Jungkook felt his cheeks burning. Taehyung is so affectionate, Dammit and jungkook craves more touches.

"I can't tell you," Taehyung replied and jungkook pouted,m. Taehyung cooed, "I will tell you when time comes, yeah? Now stop pouting."

Jungkook pouted even more, not knowing what that is doing to taehyung. Taehyung caresses his lips, "Stop pouting, sweetheart."

The nicknames, again, damn they made jungkook melt. "Not until you tell-"

Taehyung pecked jungkooks lips.

Have a blessed day, y'all
Love, Dee

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