Gay & Sulky (15)

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"If we didn't sound so similar, Kook, everybody wouldn't have a problem differentiating us," Hyunkook continues his bickering, eyes lingering onto jungkook. Then he furrowed his brows. Is jungkook blushing?

"Kookie! Are you blushing?!!"

"W-what?! No, no of course not!" Jungkook stutters, his hand letting the broom fall on the floor to meet his cheeks.

"Yes, you are," Hyunkook says, smiling coyly. "Ooo, jungkook-shi, are you thinking about your crush?"

Jungkook looks at him, denying, "No. I have no crush."

Hyunkook nodded, rolling his eyes, "So, are you okay?" He finally asks.

And jungkoook nods, picking up his broom.

"I saw you earlier, pacing around Mr. Kim's office," Hyunkook said gently, his eyes boring onto the floor as he speaks.

"Yeah, had detention and things to talk about," Jungkook answered nonchalantly. He knows hyunkook is worried. But he really doesn't want to talk about it.

And hyunkook, the good brother he is, noticed and lets the conversation slide. If jungkook wants to talk about it, he will. And if he seems really down, hyunkook will comfort him.

He can deal with his own problems and make his own decisions. Hyunkook is just there to support him, like jungoook would do him.

"Kook, the board announced about a school trip to Gotjawal, yesterday," Hyunkook announced, excitedly.

"I'm not interested," Jungkook says quickly and hyunkook frowns.

"If I'm going, you are as well," Hyunkook says.

"I really don't want to go," Jungkook whines.

"It'll be fun. We will finally have a break from school and home. C'mon," Hyunkook insists, tugging onto jungkooks hands.

Jungkook whines and whines, and eventually agrees.

It's Monday, the day when jungkook and his classmates, re-do their test. And ever since the office incident, jungkook and taehyung haven't had a decent talk. Jungkook finds himself, sometimes, staring at taehyung.

And to his disappointment, somehow, taehyung doesn't look at him anymore. And when he does, he looks at him, boringly. Jungkook found that he kind of don't like that. But on the other hand, taehyung left him alone. So that's all that matters, right. There relation-ship wasn't ever going to sail anyway. Why not leave the ship before it sinks?

"This is the only chance I'm giving you to retake this test. Use this time wisely," Taehyung exclaims as he passes each student a sheet of test paper. "Hopefully you studied. If you fail this test, you are automatically failing the course. Do I make myself clear?" Taehyung's says, his voice kind of scary. The students yell out yes in response.

And when taehyung reaches jungkook, he hands him his paper like he did any other student. Not giving him any sort of different look, saying anything or whatever he thought taehyung would do. Taehyung just hands it to him and walks away.

When he passes the last paper to the last student, he finally says, "Good luck."

Nothing special. Jungkook frowns.

Forty-five minutes later, test taking is over. As taehyung collects the papers, he announces, "There's a trip coming soon. A trip to gotjawal forest in Jeju. If you're interested, get yourself the trip slip from my desk as you exit. All the information regarding the trip is written in there; Trip slip is due this week," taehyung continues, collecting the last test paper. He walks toward his desk, places them there and leans on it.

He looks too hot. His curly hair, falling onto his face. His green suit, neat and fitting. The accessories adorning him shimmery from the sun. And that sun, illuminating it's golden rays on his face. Taehyung's looks ethereal. As he did since he came to this school three weeks ago.

The students still find themselves Gulping at the sight. Even hyunkook, who looks enchanted just like the first time, when taehyung walked in their classroom. No difference. Accept this time, Jungkook's also starering and in fact, drooling. He almost feels the urge to kiss taehyung but-

"Those who are not planning on going, can have fun with Mr. Corner," Taehyung looks up at the students and smiles. Their expressions priceless. They look terrified. And then he adds, "Doing work."

The students whine and taehyung chuckles. He looks beautiful, that jungkook can acknowledge because he is still staring.

You're gay.

"Mr. Kim! Your smile is really pretty!" A students yells out. And everyone else agrees, except jungkook who's hitting his head like a fool upon realization.

Taehyung's smiles, and winks at the said student, "Try not to flirt with your next teacher kids," Taehyung's says and the students whine. "You many leave now." He chuckles once again, and sits on his chair, his eyes following his students expressions, before he lands on a frowning one, Jungkook who looks bothered. He discretely watches jungkook stand, collect his belongings and proceed to leave.

He kind of looks mad, well sad, no not sad, more like sulky. Taehyung finds himself wondering why the other is so sulky. He would like to ask, or maybe tease but he can't collect himself to do so as he doesn't want to give him any discomfort.

Jungkook walks past his desk; for a second there, their eyes meet. It wasn't more or less than a second, but it was something. And it meant something.

Maybe to jungkook it didn't mean anything, who knows. But to taehyung, it meant a lot. It meant to move on and not be bothered by a student.

"Jungkook!! Pass the ball!!" Rose, one of jungkooks classmate yelled out.

Jungkook looked at her and paused. She dares tell me what to do? Jungkook furrows his brows and instead of passing the ball, he drops it, because he was just about to pass it to them until they said something.

The girl face palms, "It's just a game, why you have to act so serious, Jeon?" The girl exclaimed annoyingly.

Jungkook scoffed, "Don't call me that. If you want the ball, come get it yourself," Jungkook scoffed as he watched the girl walk to retrieve the ball.

They were at gym class. The girls were playing volleyball while the boys were playing basketball.
And when the girls ball landed on the boys end, jungkook wanted to pass them the ball out of kindness of course, but she just had to say something.

Jungkook watches as the girl retrieve the ball.

"Sulky piece of shit." She said as she walked away and jungkook blood boiled. At that moment, veins popped out his neck. His face turning red. And for a second there, he almost, almost felt the need to punch the girl.

He doesn't know why he reacted like that. But he didn't like it at all. He couldn't control himself. He hates it. Hates himself for ever thinking about hitting a girl or even reacting like this. Just the way he's acting today. Overall, he hates it.

But he hates himself more for calming down because of that asshole the moment he saw him come through the gym door. What' was he even doing at the gym? Because suddenly, jungkook felt like making all the shots in the basket without amiss.

Vincenzo Cassano
Love, Dee

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