Interest, realization (10)

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Taehyung furrowed his brows, his heart feeling heavy. Yeah he developed interest in this boy. He knows how wrong this is, that's why he calls it interest. He does not wish to take this any further because he doesn't want to ruin the others collage life.

As a 27 year old math professor, he knows what is wrong and what is right. Not only that , he also knows the consequences of ones actions the hard way. He knows the rules and wants to abide them as much as he can. After having experienced breaking rules and facing consequences, he's been aware of his actions.

But recently. What has he been doing? He himself does not quite understand. Jungkook is like a magnet and when he's near, taehyung can't help but be drawn. This is what he calls interest. He just want to be close with the young boy, simply because he's interesting.

Jungkook is cute, handsome even or more or so, pretty. That's what Taehyung thinks. To Taehyung's eyes, jungkook looks like an angel, beautiful angel. And at that with a really opposite persona.

His personality is more of a challenge and taehyung likes challenges. Jungkook doesn't like him and taehyung is also attracted because of that. He finds it hard to believe that jungkook does not like him.

Despite having a twin, taehyung's looks and reads jungkook as if he doesn't have one.

The twins have a different personality. Anyone could tell; well actually it seemed as though taehyung
Is the only one who could tell since the beginning. Jungkook always wears a scowl with an intense eyes gaze in his doe eyes. Whereas Hyunkook has a welcoming face and calm big doe eyes. He always smiles and calls Taehyung Mr.Kim, greets him in the morning and does not eye taehyung as if he's going to kill him and is not good at math. Jungkook always eyes taehyung as if he's plotting how to murder him, rarely smiles at anyone apart from his brother, and calls taehyung asshole, Sir and is very good at math. Also their fashion sense is completely different. While jungkook prefers black and white, hyunkook prefers colorful.

Therefore, Jungkooks persona caught Taehyung's interest. That's why he acts cocky towards jungkook. And taehyung did not like the fact that jungkook was ignoring him. It was all fun and games when he kept talking back, getting nervous, blushing and annoyed at taehyung but when he barely looks at taehyung, Taehyung can't help but feel a mixture of sadness, annoyed and anger and worry. Jungkook fainted infront of him and he knows clearly well that it was because of him.

But what he doesn't understand is how and why. He's very curious and that perks his interests even more. But when he saw jungkook worried face decorated with a pout. His curiosity was long forgotten. He just wanted to focus on jungkook at that moment.

When jungkook hand touched his, he felt the tingles rich through his spine. The feeling was overwhelming from just that simple touch. And taehyung felt like he wanted more that he wore a stupid smile on his face.

On the other hand, Jungkook was flustered but he managed. Taehyung's skin was smooth and jungkook like that feel. He still hadn't forgotten how they felt on his cheeks. And that's brought a blush to his face as he focused on cleaning Taehyung's wound.

"You're so cute," Taehyung commented softly, only for jungkook to hear. At that taehyung smiled even wider, seeing how it made jungkook blush even more. He looked so adorable. He could see jungkook fighting the smile oh his face.

"Shut up," Jungkook fiercely said, or at least tried to sound fierce which he failed. Because he sounded so adorable.

"But you are though," Taehyung pouted watching jungkook fondly and jungkook looked at him only to press onto his wound. "Ouch," Taehyung winced and Jungkook giggled.

Taehyung liked that. jungkooks smile. It was the most prettiest smile he's ever seen. That made him smile as well. They both looked like idiots, smiling at one another. Their heartbeats were so loud beating fast against their ribcage. If they stopped smiling and listened closely, bet they could hear them.

"Done," Jungkook said, unaware that he was still smiling.

"Thank you," Taehyung said, his hands still holding onto jungkooks.

Jungkook peered down at their intertwined hands, gulping. He didn't want to let go. And neither did taehyung. Damn it! Why? Why the heck did it feel so good to hold Taehyung hands. Man was it wrong I'm so many ways.

And when Taehyung caresses his hand, he felt goosebumps and butterflies. So many butterflies in his stomach at that. The feeling was overwhelming.

Taehyung the retracted his hand, causing jungkook to whine at the loss internally. As taehyung remembered jungkook asking him not to touch him. He didn't want to make jungkook more uncomfortable, so he moved back a little, asking, "Why were you ignoring me today, Jeon?" Taehyung confronted.

Jungkook gulped, he stood and closed the first aid kit, walking to out is back as he mumbled, "None of your business." He replied, his voice returning to that one he always talked to taehyung with. "And why does it matter to you wether I ignore you or not? You're just my teacher." Jungkook rambled as he returned back to his bed.

Taehyung looked disappointed by Jungkook reply. It is what he expected and so he replaced his pout with a serious face. "You're right," He sighed before standing up.

Thank You for reading:)
Love, Dee

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