Jealousy & Reactions (23)

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"Why the heck did you take the kids here? Do you know how dangerous it could've been!" Jimin lectured they young beta wolf, Jung Hoseok whos eyes settled on the ground as he kicked the leaves back and forth, seemingly not paying heed to Jimin's words.

"Jimin," Hoseok raised his voice a bit for attention; "I wouldn't have sent the children's this way if I thought it was going to be dangerous," he exclaimed with a convincing tone.

"Look, I was just looking for a safe trail until I saw them," He said slowly until his eyes wend wide and he squealed; "they were so cute, Chim! You should have seen them snuggling, oh my gosh. And a-and the confession," Hoseok placed his hands on his chest dramatically, "Romantic! Ah, I feel like crying."

Jimin rolled his eyes, smacking the others arm lightly, "That still don't change the fact that you blew our cover, Jung Hoseok! And change back to your damn wolf. I don't want to see t-this," Jimin exclaimed pointing at Hoseoks member, "T-this piece of shrimp!"

Hoseok quickly covered himself with his hands, his mouth and eyes wide open in terror, "How dare you?"

"C'mon let's go make things clear before yoongi scares them to death," Jimin said as he began to walk, only to then turn back and warn Hoseok with glare; "You're in deep trouble when the leaders hear about this."

Taehyung picked up twig, pointing it directly at yoongi's face as he and jungkook took big steps back.

"Yoongi stop it!" They heard a voice chirp from behind. The voice was one of a humans they knew. It was soft, a bit deep and soothing.

Jungkook and Taehyung's guessed he was the owner of these wolfs.

"I'm so sorry about this," Jimin apologized, bowing lightly at the others and glared at yoongi to back off. Yoongi scoffed and returned back to the kids side who were watching in excitement.

"They smell good, Hyung," A puppy growled eagerly to yoongi. In response, yoongi stomped his foot on the ground as a sign for them to stay put and quite.

"Do you own these wolfs?" Taehyung instantly asked, scurinitizing the others unfamiliar face as if he's searching for a sign of threat. But he only saw puffy cute cheeks, plumb lips and beautiful eyes, especially when he smiled.

He looked warm.

"Oh,no no no; I don't," Jimin replied, smiling lightly.

"We were not trying to hurt them or anything. We are just lost and are trying to find out way back to our camp," Taehyung informed, as soon as he saw Jimin's eyes softening. 

"Lost?" Jimin questioned.

"Yeah? It's not like we came in the middle of nowhere willingly," Jungkook exclaimed, stepping forward to stand next to taehyung.

This is not the right time to be jealous, Jeon Jungkook. Heck but why was taehyung staring at him like that?

Jimin smiled again, showing no trace of harm; "Of course not," Jimin responded awkwardly. Then on he declared jungkook as rude.

"Yeah, um my name is Taehyung," Taehyung said with a smile, offering his hand for a shake. "Kim taehyung."

Jimin shakes his hands with his, with the same energy, same smile.

Jungkook scoffed, rolling his eyes and detached their hands. "And I'm Jungkook," He said, almost bitterly but Jimin paid no heed as he kept his eyes on taehyung.

"Taehyung-shi," He called gently, "I know the way back to your camp site."

"Oh really?" Taehyung said excitedly. And Damn  was that a lot of emotions he was showing in just one acquaintance. Probably more emotions than he's shown with jungkook.

Jungkook never knew when he got so possessive or protective or jealous or whatever it is. But he does not like this, whatever is going on between Taehyung and- eh, he didn't even introduced himself.

Jungkook felt himself get angry. Taehyung a teacher who always seems to be paying so much heed, forgets to ask someone whom he introduced himself to, their name?

He's too excited that he forgot to ask, jungkook scoffs.

"Tae," Jungkook called, linking his hands with Taehyung's. "He didn't even introduced himself yet. Why are you so excited?" He asked with a pout.

"Right! I'm sorry, it slipped my mind," Taehyung said, grimacing. he knows it's rude not to have had asked back. He was just more intrigued with the fact that this man can control wolves and that he knows the way back home so it slipped his mind. "What might your name be?" He asked ever so gently.

"It's okay. My name is Jimin; Park Jimin," Jimin said, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Jimin are you flirting?!"

Taehyung and jungkook, jumped a bit, from the startling growl. Jimin looked behind him to see yoongi in his all glorious wolf, standing behind him with a killing glare.

"No, of course not," Jimin replied.

"You can talk to wolves?!" Taehyung's voice beamed, astonished. This right here. Whatever was unfolding infront of his eyes, he could not believe a thing. At first, he was kind of scared, but when the wolfs began licking his face, he found it warm.

And soon, a human comes and orders them. This is so intriguing. Amazing In fact. He never thought he would be able to witness such scenes. This is mind blowing to the teacher. Only scenes like these unfold in movies.  This is rare. Extremely rare. A human and Wolf interaction.

Tarzan? Nah.

"Um, yes?" Jimin said, unsure how he should actually response to such an astonished face. It's normal for him and his clan; so Um, yeah?

"That's so cool!" Taehyung said, his voice still excited. He was acting like a teenage girl receiving a car for her sweet sixteen birthday. Squealing and such; and Jungkook was not having it.

The fuck he so excited for?

Is this really the taehyung, he knows?

No it isn't. Not really. Because the only thing Jungkook knows about taehyung, is that he's clumsy.

Jungkook knows Mr.Kim, not Taehyung.

"Stop sugar coating words and hurry up and tell them they may never go back to their stupid campsite, probably die and let's get on with it," Yoongi growled, walking towards the kids who followed him, the way back home. "C'mon Hoseok, you'll get in trouble wether you stay here or not."

Jimin rolled his eyes and looked back at the others with a smile.

But jungkook wasn't having any of this. Trust issues? yes. And mostly because he doesn't like this Park Jimin.

He should've been the one to bring out Taehyung's true demeanor. The first to see the real Taehyung's side!

"I have a bad feeling about this tae," Jungkook said, glaring at Jimin with questioning eyes.

Apologizing for taking so long to update. Ty ty ty for reading this. I promise it's getting somewhere, really...
Love, Dee

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