1 || Makoto Gets Welcomed Into Hopes Peak, gets decked, and fucking dies

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A/N: These are directly copy and pasted, with some formatting changes. They most likely will not make sense. The a.i is trying its best dont be mean >:(


I am Makoto Naegi. I go to a school full of talented kids. Their talents are called Ultimates. I am the only normal student. I walk into the school and enter a hallway. 

There is a door at the end of it, which says Science Classroom. I have been assigned here because my specialty is science.""So you're saying that your powers come from being an ordinary person? 

You say "No, I have no powers. I am completely normal."You don't really know what to make of this.A student walks in. 

The Ultimate Swimmer, Aoi Asahina. She is very cheerful and loud. She has medium-length black hair and dark eyes. You think she looks cute."Hello, Makoto. How are you?""I'm... boring." 

You look around the science classroom.The science classroom is a pretty big yet cluttered room, with lots of beakers and Bunsen burners and all kinds of other stuff.Another student walks in. The Ultimate Gambler, Celestia Ludenburg. She is prim and proper. She wears gothic clothing. You think she is pretty cute as well. 

"Good day, my dears. My name is Kyousuke. I am the teacher for this class."The teacher leaves to grab papers. 

Another student walks in. His name is Mondo Owada. He is the Ultimate Bike Gang Leader. He is loud and rude. 

"What the hell is this, a babysitting class?" 

"Hey, Owada. Mind helping me find the lab?" 

"Why the hell should I?"

 "Oh, nevermind. " 

You walk over to Mondo."Hey, Owada." 


 "Do you want to sit next to me?"Mondo looks you up and down. 

"Is this a joke?"

 "No, sorry, I don't want to be a bother."

 "Suit yourself."Mondo sits next to you. 

"Hey, so do you even have a bike?" 

"Yeah, it's in my garage." 


 You say "Say, how's your boyfriend? Kiyotaka Ishimaru? The Ultimate Moral Compass, was it?" 

Mondo gets up in your face and lands a fist to your face. Your head smacks into the desk, and the world goes black. 

Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass, walks into the classroom. He is uptight and friendly. He walks over to Mondo Owada.

 "Mondo, do you know what the meaning of 'I'm sorry' is?"

 "No," Mondo mopes.Kiyotaka hugs Mondo. 

"Mondo, I forgive you. I'm sorry for hitting you."Mondo hugs him back. 

"I forgive you, too."You stand up. Mondo stands up.

"Sorry for upsetting you Mondo." 

"Don't worry about it."Mondo sits back down. 

The bell rings, and the teacher says goodbye to everyone. Welcome to Junior High.

You walk over to your next class and bump into the ultimate pop star, Sayaka Maizono. She is friendly and sweet. 

"Sayaka, do you like my band?" 

"Yes! They're amazing! They're playing at the school festival next weekend, you shouldn't miss them!" 

You think for a moment. You say "I will go then!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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