Chapter 1 - Meeting on Christophsis

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Author's Note: As I'm sure you can guess, this is a dark Ahsoka story. :P It's almost like an alternate version of Brotherhood where Ahsoka is Dooku's apprentice, but it'll be very, very different... I hope y'all enjoy it!!! :D

~ Amina Gila

"No guards," Anakin Skywalker observes, bringing the speeder to halt in front of the towering building. It stands out high against the surroundings, spotted with lights from the endless windows. Night has fallen, the dark sky of Christophsis covered with black and dark blue swirls.

The only source of illumination on the platform outside is from the lights within the building, but it's still enough to see with. "No barricades," he adds quietly, looking from side to side as he and Obi-Wan Kenobi ascend the steps, "You'd think the Separatist headquarters would be better protected." After fighting so long, the Separatists should be expecting someone to find this place and come here eventually. They must be planning something. Typical.

"But clearly, keeping us out is not what they intend," Obi-Wan replies, walking up the steps to join his former padawan. He raises a hand, opening the tall double doors in front of them with the Force. It reveals a much darker room tinged with aqua. It's empty, so they continue forwards to another much larger room. Yellow light spills through the nearby windows. The walkway continues straight forwards to a high staircase.

"So, this is the belly of the beast," Anakin mutters, glancing around the room. He doesn't see anyone, at least not in plain sight. Even so, a thick darkness hangs over the room, putting him on edge. Not that he wouldn't be on edge being in a Separatist base, but there's something – more like someone – lurking in the shadows.

A noise from beside them catches Anakin's attention. A black-cloaked figure walks out of the darkness, moving forwards to stand in front of them. She throws back her hood, revealing her face. It's a Togruta, and – Force, she's still a child. Does Dooku really think someone so young could beat them? Has he gone mad? She's considerably shorter than both of them and judging from that and the size of her montals, Anakin's pretty sure she's about fourteen. Togrutas live longer than humans, so considering her age, her mind in human standards is probably closer to eleven. What is someone like her doing out here?

Her orange skin is covered with the usual white markings of her species, with blue and white striped lekku going just past her shoulders. She stares up at them, her blue eyes burning with fierce determination.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Anakin demands, crossing his arms. Is this some sort of joke?

"I'm surprised you didn't already figure that out," retorts the Togruta, shrugging off her dark cloak, letting it fall to the floor. She withdraws two lightsabers. The red blades hiss to life in her hands, held in the reverse grip. So, she's the Sith assassin there's been rumors about? Is she seriously going to challenge them? How could she presume to beat a Jedi Knight and Jedi Master in a fight, or is there some other purpose to this? Like a distraction. Well, it's a distraction they're going to deal with easily.

Anakin withdraws and ignites his lightsaber, as does Obi-Wan.

The Togruta turns and jumps up the stairs, spinning around to look down at them. "My loyal informant let me know you were coming," she smirks. Of course, he did, whoever he is. Anakin can only hope Rex and Cody have the situation well under control back at the base.

"Well then, we thank you for your hospitality," quips Obi-Wan as they walk up to the bottom of the staircase. Anakin is the first to attack, jumping half-way up the stairs. The assassin darts forwards to parry the first blow. He pulls back, striking towards her again. This time her left blade raises in sync with her right, and the three blades lock together.

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