Chapter 22 - An Old Friend

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Explosions ring out around Ahsoka as she sends her fighter diving forwards, spinning out of the way of the laser fire from the Separatist forces. As the battle continues to range, she begins to sense a certain familiar presence through the Force. One she hasn't felt in a long time now.

A blast hits the side of Obi-Wan's fighter, not enough to cause serious damage, but definitely enough to catch everyone's attention. "Ventress!" Anakin realizes the same moment she does. Ahsoka tenses. She does not like this at all. Asajj was the only person she somewhat considered a friend, and although she always knew they'd run into each other at some point, she hadn't been looking forwards to it. Ahsoka will have to fight her, and she doesn't want to do that.

"Split up!" Obi-Wan calls. The three fighters move back and forth as they approach the Separatist flagship avoiding the firing. Finally, they pull apart, spinning different directions at once.

"Looks like I'm her favorite," Obi-Wan decides as the fighter behind them continues to pursue after him, finally continuously.

"I'm kind of disappointed. Only the droids follow me," Anakin remarks, glancing over his shoulder.

Ahsoka soon finds herself with her master, flying along one side of the ship. Only three droids are in pursuit, Asajj having gone after Obi-Wan.

"You wanna race? Come on!" Anakin calls cheerfully, diving towards the ship. Battle is thrilling, but he really overdoes it sometimes. The droids fly after, and he makes a sudden sharp turn after nearly crashing right into the Separatist ship. One of the droids actually crashes right into it. Explosions rip across the area, flames sparking everywhere.

More explosions ring about behind them as they continue fly away from that part of the ship, one finally large enough to catch all three droid ships. One thing is for certain, Ahsoka concludes. Anakin is a crazy pilot.

"Anakin, Ahsoka, I'm going to need some help!" Obi-Wan warns. Asajj is close behind him, each shot narrowly missing its target. Ahsoka's fighter continues to speed forwards, shooting down the Separatist ones blocking their path.

"Where are you?" Anakin asks.

"I'm hit!" Obi-Wan replies, "I'm heading towards the Separatist flagship!"

Out the cockpit window, Ahsoka catches sight of a burning ship – Obi-Wan's – rapidly heading down towards the largest Separatist ship.

"Hang on, we're coming!" Ahsoka declares, spinning her ship around and heading down towards the hanger.

"I see you!" Anakin calls, spinning the ship to fly after Asajj. He starts shooting, hitting her fighter easily. "I've got her!"

Obi-Wan's reaches the hanger first, the front of it bursting into flames as it connects with the ground. Asajj crashes moments after. Ahsoka's fighter lands third, and she throws it open, jumping out. This is not the situation she wanted to be in. Asajj is a friend, despite them being on different sides.

Anakin's fighter glides to a stop next to Ahsoka's and he leaps out, running over to Obi-Wan's still burning ship. Artoo flies out of the fighter, rolling after him. Ahsoka pauses for a moment, glancing around the area. She's about to head over to Obi-Wan's when something stops her in her tracks.

That vision she had months ago, not long before she was captured on Kamino. Of Dooku betraying her. The scene... it's just like it was in her vision. What if...? Was Asajj betrayed like she would have been? Then she senses it, the faint feel of Dooku's presence. Asajj is talking to him right now. It's exactly the same as Ahsoka was in her vision.


"Obi-Wan!" Anakin calls in alarm. "Obi-Wan!" He had better be alright. Anakin reaches over to yank open the fighter as Obi-Wan finally pushes it open from inside. Artoo starts spraying a fine mist on the fire, quenching the flames. Anakin lets out a small sigh of relief when they finally die out.

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