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My mind races as I get into the car, heading over to the omega cabins. I don't know what happened, and I don't know why she's crying and I definitely don't like not knowing those two things.

Seokjin said she was fine in the morning, so that begs the question: What set her off?

Many possibilities flipped through my mind, were people being mean to her? Was Tae or Jimin mean to her? I let out a small unconscious growl. Wait, no, stop. They wouldn't do that, relax. More things rip through my mind and I grip the steering wheel tighter.

I don't know what I should prepare myself for. Should I try and comfort her? Or should I try to convince her to tell me what happened? Or maybe she doesn't even want to see me. Maybe me showing up will make it worse. I'm not gonna lie, my heart stings a little bit at that. I still crave being close to her, and I want nothing more than to shower her in comfort and happiness, and if she were to reject me, I would be mortified.

I finally hastily pull into the driveway and practically run up to the door, knocking on it frantically. Jin opens the door, looking about as worried as I am. I walk in and throw off my shoes.

"Wheres her room?" I ask.

"First on the right." He responds. "I'm leaving now, I'll let you two have some time alone." He says quietly as he pulls on his boots. I give him a look of thanks before I make my way to her room.

Jin's right. I can hear her crying. The thought of her crying almost made my heartbreak. I hovered outside her door for a moment, before deciding to just go for it. I open the door slowly and I see a Y/N in the middle of a pile of blankets, clutching the pillow like her life depends on it, sobbing into the pillow and rocking back and forth. I doubt she even heard me come in, because I close the door behind me and she jumps, yet doesn't stop crying.

I drift over to her bed, and sit on the edge. She's facing away from me, to the wall. I can smell a whole mix of things on her. Grief, fright, anxiousness. It's a nauseating mix, and I amp my scent up, because I know it calms her.

Suddenly, she shifts and turns around to face me. I am taken by surprise, not entirely sure what to do. I didn't expect her to make a move. But then, she does something that makes my heart melt. Not even looking up from her pillow, she slowly reaches her hands out and open and closes her fists at me. It takes a moment, because I'm not great with physical cues, but I realize she wants me to pick her up. I smile softly at her and scoop her up from under the covers.

I don't even have a chance to see her face before she buries her nose in my neck, directly where my scent gland is. I resist the urge to shiver, because being that close to somebody's scent gland is a very intimate thing, and I sure as hell wasn't expecting it.

She wraps her legs around my waist, and her arms go around my neck. I find my own arms wrapping around her waist, as I prop myself up against the headboard of the bed with her pillow as support. We stay like this for a while and her cries reduce from sobs to quiet whimpers.

Whispering sweet nothings into her ear, I slowly rock her back and forth while stroking her hair gently. It's really nice, just her and me like this. I find myself thinking this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. With her in my arms. And I swear my chest warms and feels fuzzy when I look at her. I hope th-

"Joon?" She mumbles in my neck, snapping me out of my fantasy. I hum to let her know I'm listening.

"What would you say if I was... defective?" She asks quietly. This question takes me aback, and I'm not really sure how to answer.

"Ah-a- well what do you mean?" I stutter.

"We're mates right? You feel it to?" She asks, not moving at all. My heart starts to beat fast in my chest, totally not expecting this. I thought it would take a lot more time for her to be ready, but I guess something changed.

"Yes, I do feel it" I simply say back.

"Well" She pauses, "What if I told you I can't have pups?" She whispers.

My mind starts reeling into overdrive. What does she mean she can't have pups? That's almost impossible. I have absolutely no idea what to say and absolutely no idea what to do, so I don't answer immediately. I think about it for a moment. I mean, it sucks, we can't have pups of our own, one day in the future, but that just means we can adopt right? No harm in that, right? My heart aches at the thought of not having my own mini Namjoon running around, and for a second I thought I didn't want Y/N anymore.


I make up my mind, I am going to love Y/N as she is, no strings attached. I realize I had been quiet for some time and Y/n shifted anxiously, wanting to get off me, fearing the worst in my answer. But I don't let her go, I pull her closer to me and hug her tighter, as I whisper into her ear:

"That's ok. I don't mind." I say. Her head snaps up and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

For the first time today I see her face. Puffy and red from crying, yet still so ethereal. I can't even begin to wrap my head around how she still looks so pretty after crying for an hour straight.

"You... you're not going to abandon me?" She mutters while looking into my eyes, worry filling them. I smile gently at her.

"Of course not." I say back, and she looks down, embarrassed and smiles a bit. I chuckle lightly and kiss the top of her head.

"Why?" She asks, bringing her head up again.

"Because your my mate, and I'm meant to be with you, and I'm meant to cherish you as you are." I say, while looking at her directly in the eyes.

She stops, and stares at me silently, looking into my eyes. I get lost in her eyes and only then do I realize how close our faces are to each other. My mind starts to reel again, thinking I should kiss her, but before I could make up my mind, she buries her face back in my neck and starts lightly knawing on my scent glad. It's a little uncomfortable, but its something omegas do when they want to calm themselves down.

Then, to soon for my liking she pulls away, to embarrassed to look at me in the eye. I gently caress her lower back, and look at her with so much admiration in my eyes. I can feel myself falling, and falling fast and falling hard. But what else could I do if someone as beautiful as her wanted me?

I then decided that this would be the best and least stressful time to tell her about our predicament with my mother. The atmosphere was pleasant and the anxious scent in the air had since dispelled.

"My parents want to meet you tonight." I say softly, and worries flashes across her face.

"Don't worry, it's just for dinner. As soon as we're done we can leave. I know this is all happening very fast and you don't like new people." I murmur, and she nods hesitantly, a hint of worry still in her eyes.

She gets off my lap and goes to grab some fresh clothes and heads to the bathroom. She looks at me before going in.

"Do you want me to stay?" I ask, somehow knowing what she wants.

She nods happily before closing the door behind her. Moments later I hear the shower turn on. I sit back on the bed and sigh happily.

Things seem to be working out for us.

The Useless Omega: Kim Namjoon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now