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Namjoon Pov

Y/N disappears inside the cabin and I sigh happily. The boys weren't wrong. I am whipped. I've known her for two weeks and I am already willing to do anything for her. The delight on her face when we finished setting up her room was priceless. It made me happy to see her happy.

I was even more elated that she got a job. I can tell Y/N isn't one to sit around and do nothing all day and I was wondering how long it was going to take for her to want a job. I'm glad that Mr. Jeon accepted her. She seemed at ease in the tailor, more at ease than I've ever seen her be. I can only assume that's what she had done back before she ran away.

Y/N seems to be slowly revealing bits of herself and her past when she feels its nessceary. I am ok with that, I don't want to rush her because we have all the time in the world. We are in good terms right now, and she is getting comfortable with me, and man is it making my wolf giddy.

I take out my phone and check my texts.

Are you coming?

Yes mother. We will be there soon.

You better be. Y/N is becoming quite the talk of the town.

I decide not to respond to the text and just as I open up some games, Y/N comes out looking as beautiful as ever. She has her hair pinned back and a little lipstick and mascara on her face. She is wearing a dress I picked out for her on the day we went shopping. A pretty fall dress, with lace sleeves and a burgundy background with faded flowers. She looks absolutely stunning and my mouth drops a little bit.

She doesn't seem to notice and gets in the car and I follow. We start driving to my parents house and I slowly prep her.

"So, my mum... She's..... nice... just so long as you don't say anything offensive to her. She's just really curious and wants to meet you. I won't force you to speak, but she might. My dad on the other hand, likes pretty much everything and everyone, so I see no reason why he would have a problem with you." I explain and she nods nervously. I can see her fidgeting with the ring on her finger, biting her lip.

"Y/N don't worry. You'll be fine, and I promise I won't leave you the whole time we are there ok?" I say and she takes a deep breath, relaxing a little bit before nodding again.

I start to get a little bit nervous to. I don't bring home many girls, in fact, she's the first person I've brought home in three years. I can only pray that my mom won't be to harsh on her.

We arrive at the big house and before we get to the front steps, I pull Y/N in for a hug, caressing her hair and rubbing the small of her back in circular motions. Her hands wrap around me as I kiss her on the head as an act of comfort. We stay like that for a few moments before she pulls away, holding my hand.

We walk up to the steps and before I can even knock, the door swings open, showing a smiling mother.

"Come in, come in. Your dad will be joining us shortly, he just has some work to finish." She ushers, and we take off our shoes and I lead Y/N to the kitchen table.

Y/N Pov

This is so nerve-racking, I think to myself as we head to the kitchen table. We sit next to each other and Mrs. Kim continues cooking.

"My name is Ahnjong, but call me Ahn." She says, not looking up from the stove.

I muster up all the confidence I have and say "Y/N, pleasure to meet you." God that was horrible I never want to do that again. But in my quest to impress her I continue on saying, "Would you like some help?"

And Namjoon looks like someone just blew his mind. That's the most I've ever spoken in one sitting in front of him. He looks utterly flabbergasted, but his hand doesn't waver from mine. Ahn chuckles.

"No, it's ok I've got it." She says and moves over to the sink, where she drains something.

No one says nothing after that, and I'm not sure what to do. After a minute of silence, Namjoon and his mother start to make small talk. I sit, listening intently, but not daring saying anything. Right when dinner is served, an Alpha male comes rushing through the door.

"Am I late?" He asks, and Ahn shakes her head. The man sighs in relief and sits down across from Namjoon. His attention turns to me and I smile at him politely.

"Hello, I am Kim Sung-ho, Head Alpha of the Kim Pack." He states with a lot of authority, instantly intimidating me. I advert my gaze and he laughs a little.

"I'm sorry, Namjoon told me you were timid. I didn't mean to say it in that tone, I'm just so used to it." He chuckles, showing off a dimpled smile. I smile hesitantly at him and we begin to eat our dinner in silence, until Ahn says something.

"Why don't you talk much? Is that why you got kicked out of your pack?" She asks out of nowhere, cutting up her steak casually, not even looking at me whilst she asked the question. My entire body stops, not expecting that.

"Mom, she just met you, don't you think that's a little personal?" Namjoon comes to my defense.

"No. She is perfectly capable of answering." Ahn states, and looks at me expectantly. I open my mouth, to speak, but I still hesitate.

"Of all wolves it had to be a simpleton, huh? Every eligible omega in the pack wants you and you chose the stray simpleton. Ridiculous." She scoffs and the blood in my veins starts to boil. I put my fork down loudly, making everyone's eyes land on me.

"Do not mistake my silence for idiocy. I know more than you think I do." I say in a low, menacing voice, being as intimidating as I can while looking Ahn directly in the eyes. My eyes dark, with no expression on my face except a little tinge of dominance.

Ahn is taken aback, surprised I just talked back to her. Her mouth hangs open slightly, and her finger is up in the air, trying to think of something to say. Namjoons eyes have gone wide and his mouth drops open, about to make a slurry of apologies to his mother on my behalf. But before he could, I hear a deep, rumbly laugh and I realize its coming from Namjoons father.

"Dear God! You must have no fear! Talking back to the Luna like that! I like you!" Sung-ho wheezes, a look of pure joy on his face.

Namjoons mouth closes and his eyes return to a normal size. Ahn grimaces at me, but then her eyes lighten slightly.

"Ok, well at least you have a backbone. I can live with that." She says contently, eyes moving back to her fork, picking it up and eating.

We finish dinner in silence and Namjoon and I do the dishes, side by side. It feels domestic, doing something so simple with him. It feels like we're a totally normal married couple that lives together. I blush at the thought of being married to Namjoon and he notices, chuckling softly.

"Whats wrong? Why are you blushing?" He ask and I murmur something incoherent but along the lines of "You, that's why." He looks at me and cracks a small smile, before continuing to dry the dishes.

We say our goodbyes and we ride in silence back to the cabin. When we get out, Namjoon pulls me close to him, trapping me in a hug.

"You tried so hard, pup. I know it must've been difficult, I'm proud of you." He whispers into my hair and I smile into his chest.

He lets go and places a soft peck on my head before saying goodbye and sending me inside the cabin. The other three omegas are sitting on the couch, watching my intently. I don't pay much attention to them as a big dumb smiles makes its way across my face as I head to my bedroom.

He called me pup.

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