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Japan: What does the fox say? RINGRINGRINGIRINGADING *does gangnam style*
Germany: do you know what my fist says?
Japan: what does it say *derp face*
Germany: it says pain *punches out japan*
Ai-Chan: hey don't punch people it's not nice!
Germany: You can't tell me what to do! *rolls around on the floor*
Ai-Chan: yes I can *super Derp cat pose*
Germany: *dying of laughter*
Japan: I think everything is broken T^T
Germany: *forgets about Japan* Ai-Chan is a weakling! W-E-A-K-L-I-N-G!
Ai-Chan: why am I always bullied *sobs in corner*
Prussia: *comes into the scene through a now made window* Hey west! Vhat are you doing to ZE little Ai?
Germany: well she is a weakling...
Prussia: I have ZE most awesome idea!
Ai-Chan: No not Prussia's ideas T^T
Germany and Prussia: *turns Ai-Chan upside down and Ai-Chan is just hanging upside-down*
Ai-Chan: help me Japan T^T
Japan: *he's gone CUZ he slipped through the window Prussia created*
England: *comes through the disco floor* what's up guys?
Prussia: *shuns*
Germany: go away cooking bastard
England: *uses black magic to make a vicious potato*
Germany and Prussia: AHHHHH *runs away*
England: Good potato *pets potato*
Ai-Chan: AHHH in scared T^T

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