Chapter 20

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As soon as we make eye contact I know I will feel even more broken. Some girl  is on his lap. I really want to beat the living shit out of him but I have an idea. I turn back to Harry.

"Follow my lead." I whisper in his ear and he nods.

I look over to the couch that's opposite of Isaac and that girl and see Josh and Zayn.

"Hey josh, Isaac." I give them fake smiles.

"What made little miss hulk come down to my flat." Josh says with a devilish grin.

"I came to see Zayn." I bat my eyelashes at him knowing it will affect Isaac.

"Zayn. You came to see Zayn." Isaac finally speaks up and I can't help but smirk at his annoying reaction.

"Yep. Who else would I be here to see silly." I fake a girly giggle and walk to sit by Zayn.

Harry sits down beside me and there isn't much room.

"This is a little crowded. Zayn do you mind if I sit on your lap so there's more room." I give him a flirty look and he raises a brow.

"Sure." He shrugs.

I look directly at Isaac and he glares at me so I know my plan is going well.

"So.. What's up." Zayn says and I direct my attention to him.

I turn to look at him before speaking.

"Nothing. Me and Harry were bored out of our minds because of our parents so we decided to come and see what you guys where doing." I smile and shrug.

"Oh, okay. What do you mean by 'our parents'?" He asks.

" My mom and Harry's dad are, no.were dating. They are getting married."

"Oh so you guys are hanging out because of your parents."

"No, actually me and Harry are now acquaintances." I laugh a little at the thought of me and Harry becoming friends.

"Yea, we're acquaintances for now. Nothing more, nothing less." Harry waves his hand in the air.

"Man I knew your dad was dating, but I didn't expect it to end up being Kat's mom." Zayn lets out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Neither did we. I found out today, but Harry knew the whole time." I give Harry a fake glare.

"Hey, I had to keep it a secret for my dad." He puts his hands up in defense.

I roll my eyes at him and I here Zayn let out a snake like sound.

"Are you okay?" I turn to face him again.

"Yea, it's just that." He points to where I'm sitting on the edge of his knees.

"Oh sorry." I give him a small smile before getting up.

"No it's okay. Come here." He grabs me by the waist and pulls me back onto his lap. This time on his thighs.

"Better?" I ask with a small grin.

"Much." He smiles back.

We stare a each other for a few seconds before Harry makes a puking sound. We both look at him to see what he's making that sound for.

"What's wrong with you?" I raise a brow.

"Nothing. You guys just make a cute couple." He smirks.

"We're not dating." I laugh.

"You sure act like it." Isaac rudely remarks.

I turn to look at him. He seriously wants to say that when he's cheating on me right in front of me. I have seen him kiss her twice since I've been here and he wants to... Ugh.

"Well maybe I like Zayn. Did you ever think of that." I glare at him and I feel Zayn tense up a little.

We glare at each other for a couple of seconds before Josh finally looks so up from his phone and speaks.

"Hey. Let's play a game. I'll go get more people and we can play truth or dare.

He walks out the room quickly and I can feel the air becoming thicker. Zayn's hand makes its way to my knee ,grabbing my attention.

"Can I speak to you in the hall?" He whispers and I nod before getting off his lap and following him out to the hall.

We walk two doors down and look,at each other for a few seconds before he finally speaks up.

" was that the truth what you said in there. You like me?" He says in a serious tone.

I have to admit. I like him a little.

"A little I guess. Why?" I raise a eyebrow. I don't know what he's getting at.

"I don't know it was just weird. You and Isaac just broke up again."

"No. No we didn't. We are still dating." I look up at him and his eyes are filled with shock.

"What are you talking about. I thought you broke up at the party yesterday."

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. "I forgave him, but,that's why I'm here. To break up with him." I look back down at the ground and kick the ground a little with my right foot.

"I'm sorry Kat. I didn't even know. I don't know how he could treat you like this. He shouldn't be cheating on you at all, nor should that chick be kissing him. He brought her over with him." He shakes his head.

I can feel the tears threatening to fall.

"You know what. Come on. I'm going to say something right now. I could care,less about our friendship. He's going to learn a lesson." He says in a aggravated voice.

"What. No I'm not ready." I stay in place.

" Kat if you don't say anything then I will and that may make things worse." He looks really serious.

"I don't even know what to say to him." I decide to slide down the wall I was standing by.

"Well I do. Tell him how big of a dick he is, tell him that you never want to see him again, tell him that he was the biggest mistake you ever made." He raises his voice some in annoyance.

"You don't get it do you. I thought I loved him. I wanted to marry him one day and have a fairy tale ending. I think I even wanted him to be my first and only." I pull at strands of my hair in frustration.

I can't believe I am saying this.

"You're still a--never mind Kat,get up." He huffs.

I don't listen to him. I just sit there and think of how much of an delusional idiot I am. Why did I even trust Isaac.

"Kat come on I am going to say something whether you like it or not. This isn't right and you know it. He knows it so why not end it now?"

He's right I need to end this now, before I get even more hurt than I already am. I stand to my feet and take a deep breath.

"I'm ready." I sigh.

"Are you sure. Either way I'm talking. He's my best friend and he needs to change."

"I know. Let's get this done and over with so I can go home."

He nods and walks to my side ready to go back in.

This is it. No more Isaac.

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