Chapter 14

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I decided to do Liam's point of view so I hope you like it and maybe tell me if I should do it again. I don't know how many chapters are left....

When I got home that morning,I had a huge headache,but I was still smiling. Me and Liam talked the whole morning and it wasn't awkward. I also texted Isaac ,but he didn't respond. It's not like him, but it's alright. I was going to ask him to come over ,but I understand if he's busy. Maybe he went to visit his mother and forgot to tell me. Not that he has to.


I have three more days. Three days here in whales and I don't know what to do. My mom decided that we will leave on Sunday at ten p.m. So that I have time to say my goodbyes. I don't want to leave Isaac, Niall, Sam, surprisingly Ally, Louis,Carter, and Liam. Especially Liam. We have never been more than a mile away from each other. We even go on vacations together. Why does my mom have to be a college professor. Even though it will help me in the long run because she might get a raise and become deem of students. I really would love to go to an college like 'V.U.U' ,but it's pretty hard to get in. I also have my eyes on going to the 'Amsterdam School of Arts' which is much harder to get in but I'll do anything to get in. I am willing to give up my social life for a year, just so I can get as many scholarships and I will get as many jobs as possible. My mom gets paid a decent amount of money,but I rather me earn the money myself.

Liam on the other hand wants to go to 'The City of Wolverhampton College' for music technology. What ever that is,I know he will make it in because he has never once missed a day of school and he has the second highest G.p.a in our grade. Louis is first which he's most likely going to be valid Victorian. I didn't ask him what college he wanted to go to and Sam, Sam wants to got to 'N.Y.U.A' ( New York University of Arts.) she is a really good dancer, hip hop is her favorite,but she also likes interpretive dancing. I really can't remember what Niall wants to be and where he wants to go because he was telling me with his mouth full and it's hard to catch him when it's not. I haven't asked Ally yet,so maybe I'll ask her to hang out so we can get to know each other.

It's weird that I am actually interested in how others are planning their lives. Well, not really. It's usually the first thing I ask in a conversation with someone when I first meet them or if it comes up in the conversation. I took a shower and decided to get ready for the day. I missed most of school already so I didn't go and I'm not even getting graded on anything, the teachers must feel as if they are babysitting me.

By surprise my phone begins to ring and Liam's name flashes on the screen. I hope he's okay?

" Hello?" I question.

" Hey, Kat do you want to go to the old field with me. I need to practice."

Liam sounds really cheerful and I can't turn him down. At first I nod and smile,but mentally smack myself because he can't see me.

" Sure what time?"

" Um... How about in twenty minutes, so I can take a shower. I just know left Carters flat."

Wait, what?

" Why didn't you go to school?" This isn't like him.

" I was tired and the alcohol really did a number on me." He lets out a soft chuckle.

" Well, never again remember." I smile at the memory of us agreeing to never drink that much again. Most likely never consume alcohol for the rest of our lives.

" I promise. So what do you say. Twenty minutes?"

I know he's smiling on the other line.

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