Chapter 9

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I got lucky that Niall was running late otherwise he would probably hate me. I decided to make Sandwiches knowing the guy doesn't know when to stop eating, and it my help my case if he is stuffing his face.

" Hey I'm hear!" Niall yells walking into the kitchen.

He really has never knocked at my door.

" You can sit on the couch I'll be in after I make a few more sandwiches, okay?" I smile tilting my head to the side and raise an eyebrow at what he was wearing.

He had on a yellow t-shirt that said 'got donkey on your back' whatever that means. I rather not ask.

" sure. Oh, and is there pickles on those sandwiches?" He smirks.

"Duh, go sit down sumo wrestler in training." I make the corniest jokes ever.

" mhmm." He walks in the living room and the t.v. Sounds through the hallow wall.

I walk in and sit the tray of sandwiches on the coffee table and sit in the lounge chair across from where Niall is sitting.

He picks up a sandwich and examines it like a doctor before finally taking a bite of it." Start talking." He says with the chewed up piece of sandwich on the side of his mouth so he sounds like the scar face from one of my favorite movies that we always watch together.

" Oh, and don't you dare leave any important details out." He says after swallowing.

" Okay, almighty Irish man." I sarcastically remark before finally starting my explanation." Okay, well it all started at the beginning of the summer."

Liam αnd í wєrє hαngíng σut αt σur fαvσrítє hαngσut, thє σld ѕσccєr fíєld dσwn thє ѕtrєєt frσm mч hσuѕє. líαm,níαll,αnd í hαvє вєєn thє σnlч thrєє kídѕ thαt plαч thєrє ѕíncє wє fírѕt mєt níαll. ít wαѕ thє plαcє Liam and I mєt αѕ wєll вut thαt'ѕ α díffєrєnt ѕtσrч. σkαч, ít wαѕ αftєr líαmѕ вírthdαч pαrtч.

" hєч чσu guчѕ wαnt tσ gσ trч σut mч nєw ѕσccєr вαll?" líαm αѕkєd níαll αnd í αѕ thє σthєr kídѕ frσm líαmѕ pαrtч wєnt hσmє.

" ѕσrrч líαm í cαn't, rєmєmвєr í'm grσundєd." níαll shrugged αѕ hє wαlkєd dσwn thє ѕídєwαlk wαvíng gσσdвчє to mє αnd líαm rєturníng thє gєѕturє wíth ѕmílєѕ.

αftєr níαll wαѕ fαr єnσugh αwαч tσ wαvє αnчmσrє, í put α єαr tσ єαr ѕmílє σn mч fαcє, lσσkíng αt líαm.

" whαt?" hє ѕmírkєd αt mє knσwíng whαt í wαѕ up tσ.

í quícklч ѕnαtchєd thє вαll frσm híѕ hαndѕ αnd rαn dσwn tσ thє єnd σf thє ѕídєwαlk thαt lєαdѕ up tσ híѕ hσuѕє.

" lαѕt σnє tσ thє fíєld hαѕ tσ єαt mч mσmѕ rσck ѕσlíd вíѕcuítѕ fσr lunch." í ѕmírkєd knσwíng thαt í wαѕ wαч fαѕtєr thαn hím αnd hє wσuldn't вє αвlє tσ cαtch up. mч mσm wαѕn't α vєrч gσσd chєf.

" wαít, wíth σr wíthσut. ѕσmє jαm ѕprєαd?" hє αѕkєd nєrvσuѕ, hє knσwѕ í dσn't gívє íntσ mαkíng mч mσmѕ вíѕcuítѕ tαѕtє α líttlє вєttєr. ít σnlч gívєѕ ít α líttlє вít σf αn nσn-вurnt tαѕtє.

" wíthσut." í ѕmílєd αѕ hє ѕíghѕ.

" fínє, вut ím gєttíng α hєαd ѕtαrt." hє ѕαíd αѕ hє wєnt up twσ mσrє ѕídєwαlk ѕquαrєѕ wαítíng fσr mє tσ ѕαч gσ.

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