What's A Girl To Do?

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"I just don't understand why you won't move in with him," Elana sighed as she peered at me through the mirror, swishing her wine in the glass like a classy broad.

I glared at her. Or attempted to glare at her because I was currently adding ridiculous amounts of mascara to my eyelashes. "And I just don't understand why you won't go out with Niall."

She winced and looked down at her now empty wineglass, running her finger around the rim of it. "I think we both know why I can't go out with him," she said sadly. She looked up at me and gave me a half smile and just like that I knew I was a shit person all around. I couldn't have just left it at being a shit girlfriend, I had to go and be a shit friend too. I knew exactly why she wouldn't go out with Niall. And I was a bitch for even bringing it up. She bit on the inside of her cheek and squinted one of her eyes. She always did that when she was trying not to cry.

"El," I said softly as I spun around in my chair to look at her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. That was a bitch move."

She gave me another smile and fanned at her eyes. "No, no. You're right," she laughed. "How the fuck am I supposed to convince you to conquer your fears if I'm still hiding behind mine." 

"No, El, seriously. Don't pressure yourself. I'm just really cranky and moody lately." 

She waved her hand dismissively in my face. "Pish posh applesauce. I can't just sit here moping around because Ed is a dickhead. There is a perfectly wonderful guy downstairs who likes me. Sure, Ed tore my heart out and I felt like an idiot. But, Niall is great. He's funny and sings to me when I can't sleep. He makes fun of himself just so I can laugh."

"And he can drink as much as you," I pointed out as I turned back to the mirror and put on my lipstick.

She laughed brightly and I smiled at her through the mirror. "That too, that too." There was a small smile playing on her lips as she looked down at her wrist where the bracelet Niall had given her for Christmas rest gently. She looked back up at me shyly from under her eyelashes. "Niall told me that Harry never shuts up about you." 

I rolled my eyes and sighed, taking a sip from my own wineglass. "You and Niall gossip like two teenage girls." She only shrugged and stayed silent, letting the bait sink in. And, of course, I took the bait like the dumbfuck that I am. "So...did Niall tell you what he says about me?" I asked absently, smudging my eyeliner a bit.

She shrugged her shoulders and dabbed her finger in her newly filled wineglass. "You know, stuff." Fucking shitbitch. I glared at her again and she laughed loudly, throwing her head back a bit. "Fine. Niall just told me that a certain curly haired bitch might have possibly been looking at houses in New York."

I had a bit of a coughing fit while I tried to wrap my head around the idea that Harry was going to buy a house in New York. You know, the place that they rarely spent any time at. Like, if it was LA, that, that I could understand. But, New York?

"You're such a fucking idiot," she laughed, throwing a pillow at me. "The fact that you're so confused by this pisses me off. Like, he loves you. Why are you still suprised by what he'll do to prove that to you?" I glared at her even more, flicking off her reflection.

“And now,” Louis sang loudly as he dimmed the lights in the living room. “For the real fun!” I rolled my eyes and cuddled next to Harry, folding my legs underneath me. Louis snapped his fingers once like the queen that he was and suddenly Eleanor was standing next to him carrying a suspicious object that looked heavy. She dropped it on the ground with a thud and then did some fiddling around before handing a microphone (that she pulled out of nowhere I might add) to Louis. “We can finally do this without feeling uncomfortable! It’s time for Couples Karaoke!”

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