Deck The Halls With Tears And Laughter

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"Harry," I yelled sternly, trying to keep the smile off my lips. "Don't you fucking dare." 

He gave me a lopsided smile back before blowing me a kiss and then proceeding to run down to the opposite side of the mall. "You're insecure!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, making hundreds of heads turn in his direction. A few fangirls screamed and another started crying but mostly people just looked annoyed by his outburst. "Don't know what for!" I sighed heavily. Why, why, could someone please tell me why I was in love with this boy? "You're turnin' heads when you walk through the door! Don't need make up to cover up! Being the way that you are is enough!" He was still yelling at me obnoxiously from five stores down and all I could do was shake my head.

This, this is why you can't take curly haired bitches with you to go Christmas shopping. Because then they'll offer to buy you a cinnamon pretzel and you'll have to decline because bikini season is coming up and you've got to keep your figure. Then you'll get into an argument with them about how they think you're perfect just the way you are and you'll just say "Tell that to the cellulite on my thighs" and then they'll run to the opposite end of the mall to shout that you don't know, oh oh, you don't know you're beautiful and oh, oh, oh, that's what makes you beautiful.

I looked over at Paul and shook my head, sighing a little. "You sure do know how to pick em, Paully boy." He just rolled his eyes at me and crossed his arms across his chest like the big and tough security guard that he was. I mean, yeah, he was intimidating at first. But, honestly, he was just a giant teddy bear that you could joke around with and force him to give you piggy back rides. "I'm just sayin', Paul, there's so many fish in the sea, why'd you have to pick the stupidest most immature one out there?" 

Paul cracked a smile, scaring a child in front of us as we made our way to Harry. He was still singing his solo version of What Makes You Beautiful and the fangirls were in an uproar. And here I thought we'd just have a normal day in the mall without any of this shit. But, then again, when was any day spent with Harry a normal day? "I think it might be his dimples," Paul laughed. "I think that's what attracted him to me. Those dimples and those oh so gorgeous green eyes. Oh, man, I just can't."

I elbowed him in the gut and stuck my tongue out at him. Paul clearly had been hanging out with Louis too much. That was one of the games that I'd made for myself whenever Harry was in an interview or a photoshoot or rehearsal, I'd just pick on Paul. The only problem is that he'd gotten into the habit of sassing me back and, his most recent tactic, mocking me. He was just simply quoting shit he'd heard me saying to Elana or Perrie. Fucking nosy shitbitch.

 My phone started vibrating crazily in my purse so I handed all of my shopping bags to Paul (because he was my little bitch and he was gonna carry my shit. Actually, if he ever heard me say that he'd probably tackle me to the ground. If you're reading this, Paul, I'm sorry. It was just a joke.) and pulled it out. I answered it quickly, pressing it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else." I looked up to see Harry grinning at me widely, his own phone pressed to his ear. I couldn't help but grin back, because, I mean, he was the cutest boyfriend ever. "The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed." He took another step closer to me while Paul gagged. I elbowed him again and shot him a dirty look. "But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell," He was right in front of me now and the fangirls were practically shitting bricks. Harry fucking Styles was practically reenacting the entire What Makes You Beautiful music video, like, ohmygosh. "You don't know you're beautiful." He kissed me lightly on the tip of my nose and I rolled my eyes.

I flipped my hair dramatically over my shoulder and batted my eyes at him in the girly-ist way I could possibly manage. "Are you overwhelmed yet?"

He groaned loudly and threw his head back, making a few soccer moms glare at us. "You already know it does." Paul gagged again and groaned. "Someone's angsty today," Harry singsonged as we kept walk through the mall, his fingers entwined with mine. 

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