Tis The Season For Drunken Gingers

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"Ho, ho, ho! Merry fucking Christmas, bitches!" I screamed loudly as I ran into the hotel room throwing fake snow into the air. Harry followed behind me sulking, his pillow stuffed stomach sagging a bit. We were dressed in cute matching outfits. I was a sassy Mrs. Claus (at least that's what the package said) and he was Santa's curly haired cousin. 

Everyone looked up and stared at us blankly before Harry sighed heavily and sat down on the couch. "I lost the bet," he grumbled, scrunching up his face in disgust.

"Oh, you mean the one where you thought you could go without sex for a week?" Lou asked with a raised eyebrow. I shot him a dirty look. "Don't look at me like that. I was in the room when you made the bet." I still don't know how I feel don't know how I feel about them sharing a room together.  Some conversations are...private.

"It doesn't matter!" I said brightly as I went over and sat on Harry's lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, nuzzling his face in my neck. "I won. He lost. Real simple stuff. Guess I'm just too irresistible." Zayn snorted and I sent a death glare in his direction.He shut up quickly.

"I was, uh, um...I saw something funny on my phone?" He waved it in the air sheepishly and I nodded. That's right, bitches. I ran dis shit.

"Where'd you even go?"

"We went caroling through the hotel." Everyone laughed except Harry who just groaned into my shoulder. He was just pissy because I wouldn't let him tell anymore Christmas jokes. "Where's Niall?" My head count wasn't adding up. Luckily for me though, this time I wasn't the one responsible for losing the blonde bitch. I already had two strikes on the matter and Paul kept threatening to handcuff us together if I lost him again. And that, that was something we couldn't let happen. Two fatties chained together? It would be like World War III in this bitch.

"He-" Before Louis could even begin to explain it, the door opened and Niall stood there completely drenched.

"I take it that it's raining outside?" Me and Lou said simultaneously. We looked at each other excitedly and high fived, laughing happily. Louis was me. I was Louis. We were one. No wonder Harry wanted to date me. I was just like his best friend. Just with a vagina and boobs. Lou still had the better ass though.

"Har dee har har," Niall muttered sarcastically. "I'd love to just be able to sit around and laugh and joke around but I've spent the last three hours tryna capture Ginger Snaps."

I stared at him blankly, trying to decipher the message. Capture ginger snaps? Why not just go to the story and by a new box of them? That's when Elana burst through the doorway, completely drenched as well. And then I got it. "What the hell happened to her?" This is why you can't trust boyband members to make sure your best friend didn't get into any trouble.

She screamed loudly and ran into the room (tripping over her own feet like eight times, I might add) before throwing her arms around both me and Harry. "Harry! Nadia! Hadia!" She giggled. "You guys are here! Ohmygosh! I missed you so muchh!" She was violently shaking us both around and I thought I would die. Like, I'd have the adult version of Shaken Baby Syndrome or something. 

"Oh god," Harry groaned as she finally let us go. "Who gave the ginger alcohol?" Zayn, Liam, and Louis looked pointedly at Niall who tried to look around absently and whistle nonchalantly. It wasn't working. Plus, his cheeks were slightly flushed and his eyes were bloodshot. He wasn't completely shitfaced drunk but he was getting there.

I sniffed the air lightly and my alchy senses were tingling. "Egg nog," I mumbled to myself. "With more than two bottles of rum."

Harry gave me a weird smile and laughed. "What are you? A fucking alcohol cadaver dog?"

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