Ginger Snaps

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"You complain a lot," Harry teased from behind me, keeping his hands tightly over my eyes. He was trying his very best to guide me to some unknown place. But, even his very best couldn't counteract my natural clumsiness. I'd stubbed my toe twice, hit my funny bone on only God knows what, and managed to knee him in the balls. Only I can possibly ruin a romantic surprise so gracefully.

I made a face at him and hoped he could see it. "Maybe if someone hadn't woken me up at fucking half past dick o'clock, I wouldn't be complaining."

He laughed loudly, the sound echoing a bit and I suddenly got absolutely terrified. Did Harry know about my fear of heights? Because if not, its absolutely fucking over for this shit. All he told me when he woke me up this morning (before the sun was even fucking up, just saying. I really want to get that point across, alright) was that we were going to be Lifetime movie cute. That's all I got. No kind of other information. And, honestly, the most recent Lifetime movies that I'd been watching the girl ended up Hopefully he doesn't kill me and chop me into little pieces and then drop my body parts into all seven different oceans. 

There was suddenly a light breeze and then I realized I was absolutely freezing. "Oh my god, Harry, if we're in Antarctica, I swear I am going to kill you." 

Once again, he laughed at my pain before removing his hands from over my eyes. "You're close."

I squinted one eye open before staring with wide eyes ahead of me. "Harry Edward fucking Styles, have you completely lost your fucking mind? I'm not doing it." I kept looking back and forth between him and my death. We were right on the edge of an ice rink, completely deserted except for the two of us. It was eerily quiet and, once again, I hated him. I say that a lot, I know. But, the bitch knew that I couldn't ice skate. Or regularly skate. Or walk. So, why the fuck did he think this was a good idea?

He gave me a half smile as he leaned on a the railing as he kicked off his shoes. "Come on, babe, it'll be fun." 

I crossed my arms tightly across my chest and stared at him with what I hoped was an angry 'I really hate your fucking guts' look. "I'm not fucking doing it." Giving me one of his sweetest smiles possible, he turned and pointed to the other end of the ice rink where I could faintly see a table with candles on it. "What's over there?"

He grinned at me and started lacing up his skates. "Only your one true love. Food." 

I stared with wide eyes back and forth between Harry and the table of my beloved wonderfulness. "How the hell am I supposed to get over there?"

He laughed again before stepping on to the ice, as graceful as I've ever seen anyone. "Well I guess you're just going to have to stop being a baby and skate then, huh?" He spun around in a few figure eights before blowing me a kiss. "And I suggest you hurry up. I purposefully didn't eat dinner or breakfast and I'm starving."

I stood there glaring at him as he skated quickly towards the table. It suddenly dawned on me that he wasn't joking. He'd only had a slice of apple pie last night for dinner and I hadn't seen him eat anything this morning before we left. I quickly slid my Toms off, tripping a bit before I rushed over and stuck my feet into the ice skates he had waiting for me.

As soon as I stepped on to the ice I slide a bit and almost died. Like, my entire life flashed before my eyes. It was mostly just pictures and scenes of something I ate and my laptop screen, but, still, it flashed before my eyes and I knew that it was almost the end. The Lord had come for me, he was coming to take me.  But, luckily, I got the hang of it. It was actually pretty easy. Or so I thought.

It occurred to me that I hadn't actually let go of the railing yet. So, me being the ballsy hardcore thug bitch that I was, I finally let it go and started skating. And then promptly fell on my ass screaming. First of all, bitches be lyin' when they say its not that bad to fall on ice. That shit hurts. A lot. Like a lot, a lot. And the ice is cold. Which made it burn a little. It might've been because I wasn't properly dressed for such a situation, but still. That wasn't my fault. Shitbitch should've told me.

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