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Annalise sat at the island drinking vodka with Bonnie and Frank in the room while the students stood at the doorway

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Annalise sat at the island drinking vodka with Bonnie and Frank in the room while the students stood at the doorway. Annalise looked up at Frank as she took a sip, him standing in front of her. "Where are we on finding Gabriel."

The man furrowed his brows gesturing with his hand. "The feds are hiding him in the prison system. I was thinking if I drafted a motion for disclosure-" Annalise cut Frank off, pouring herself another drink. "Leave the lawyering to the actual lawyers, Frank. Just find a way to track him down."

Frank crossed his arms looking at Annora in the doorway who shot him a sympathetic smile. "Uh..." Asher then stepped into the kitchen wearing what Annora called a 'Tacky Easter Sunday Suit'. "Professor Keating, how about if I help Frank with that?

He led them to the study as he pulled out a stack of papers which he now began to read to the group.

"Gabriel Shaw has been in perfect health for the last five years. That was until he was conveniently hospitalized in the Allentown federal prison," As he spoke he shot Frank a look of gloat. ", one day after the A.U.S.A. interviewed him about this case." He handed the stack to Annalise who took it, reading over the words.

"The diagnosis-undetermined. They're faking sick it's obvious." He walked to the middle of the room doing a half squat as he threw his hands around. Frank stared deeply at him nodding along. "They don't want the jury to hear whatever he has to say."

Asher let out a 'hah', before Annalise questioned him, "Where'd you get this from?" He leaned against the wall in a 'cool' manner sighing. "I have, uh, sources."

Frank had enough of his gloating made a sour face at Asher. "You mean your daddy?" Annora who was standing beside him pinched the back of his neck lightly as a way of telling him to 'cut it out'. Asher turned with an open mouth resembling a squirrel yet before he could speak their boss spoke.

"Whoever it was, it worked. Make room on your mantel for the trophy, Mr. Millstone." Michaela glared at him as he pulled the sides of his suit jacket. "Yeah!" He crossed his arms as Connor rolled his eyes. It seemed as if Annora and possibly Wes were the only ones who could care less about the trophy.

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