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After the evening at lunch, nothing much happened

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After the evening at lunch, nothing much happened. So now it was the next morning with everyone back in the courtroom. Annalise was questioning a woman with blonde hair that stopped and curled by her jaw. "Mrs. Taylor. You claim that your best friend Marjorie spoke to you about divorcing Max nearly a year ago."

She stood front and center to the stand staring the woman in the eyes as she spoke in a blank tone. "Yes." Mrs. Taylor nodded at a fast pace raising her brows as a smile reached her cheeks. Annalise turned going to walk back to the table where Bonnie sat all while speaking aloud. "Even though you wrote the following toast at their anniversary party about two months ago."

She picked up folder reading the words to everyone in the room, "'I haven't seen two people more in love since the captain and Maria performed their first dance in front of the Von Trapp children.'"

Max sat back smirking at the blonde-haired woman while Annalise dropped the folder with an almost cocky look grazing her features. "Doesn't sound like a couple about to divorce to me." Mrs. Taylor gulped while her eyes flicked to Prosecutor Blair letting a nervous feeling overcome her.

Michaela leaned over to Connor's ear keeping her eyes set on Annalise. "How in the hell do you find this crap?" Connor wore his usual charming smirk not sparing a glance at the woman. "You'll never know."

Today's trial was over with Annalise bringing the interns and associates to her home once more. "The Alibis next. Max claims he was out for a walk when the murder occurred, so we need a neighbor who saw him." The students sat sprawled out on the armchairs and couch watching as Annalise paced around the room with a folder in hand.

Behind her, Frank came out of her office gaining her attention as he walked to them. "Frank... take who you need." Frank's eyes studied all of the students and landed on two in particular. "You two, Prom Queen and Doucheface." His finger pointed in between Michaela, whose face scrunched with distaste, and Asher who's head only turned to the bearded man.

"Come with me." On their way out of the house, Frank stopped giving a small subtle wink to Annora who wasn't the only one to see.

Laurel who also saw the interaction leaned forward towards the girl. "Are you guys, like, together?" As her head snapped in her direction the curls which hung around her face shook making her push it from her eyesight. "Um, no, that, that's repulsive." She brought her head back down to the paper trying to block out the stare of the three other interns in the room.

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