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As Annalise got home from the police station she saw the Keating Six on the porch while the cops moved in and out of the house

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As Annalise got home from the police station she saw the Keating Six on the porch while the cops moved in and out of the house. After a small conversation with Michaela about final exams she called Wes into her office.

"They're wearing their paranoia on their sleeves." She sighed as she entered the office, closing the door once Wes walked in. "Do you blame them? Please, just let me tell them." Annalise's eyes widened as she placed her bag on her desk. "No."

Wes licked his dry lips taking his hands from his pockets. "If they knew you were helping us.." He tried to plead but she cut him off. "I'm not helping you. I'm helping myself. I'm helping my daughter who is involved in what you all did last night. I'm the woman who came home to find her cheating husband dead on the floor, wondering if her daughter did it or if she was dead too. Who's the first person you think the cops are gonna look at? The only way they're gonna get through the interviews is if they know as little as possible about my involvement. That includes Nora and Rebecca."

Wes' eyes slowly moved to the floor, releasing a sigh before he spoke. "I haven't told her or Nora." He shook his head not looking up at his professor and boss yet. "Good. Look what happened the last time you told her one of our secrets." She was angry at him but didn't show it very well as she cared deeply for the younger man.

Wes' head shot up staring at her in regret. He pursed his lips as she took it her coat, turning his head back to the door. As he turned and crossed his arms Annalise quickly grabbed his arm before he could leave. "Look, look."

She turned him around to face her again. "Everything is gonna be fine, okay? We'll run the DNA test. It'll show that he was the father, and then hopefully the laptop will prove that he was on the roof of the sorority house." Wes shook his head, his voice cracking a bit, "What if it doesn't?"

"It will." She reassured him holding onto his arms lightly. "It will. And then we'll get the charges against Rebecca dropped." Wes sighed feeling sad and unsure. Annalise rolled her lip between her teeth before she placed her hand on his cheek. "Look at me. I've seen how strong you can be and that's the Wes I need for you to be right now, to help the others."

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