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The loud cheers of the Middleton students filled their ears while they stood in the woods waiting for Wes's return

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The loud cheers of the Middleton students filled their ears while they stood in the woods waiting for Wes's return.

They were nervous with many thoughts running through their minds. Michaela stared down at her feet wondering if he got caught as he was taking a long time.

"He should be here by now." Connor glanced at her trying to warm himself. "It's fine." She whipped her head around before hissing, "What if it's not?"

Connor closed his eyes briefly, "Michaela." His tone was very aggravated. "What if they got caught and went to the police or she convinced him to pin it on us?"

He looked through his hair glaring at her. "Wes wouldn't do that." He started to walk away but Michaela leaned closer when he got by her. "He wouldn't, but she would." He abruptly turned around lowering his head to line with hers.

"Stop, okay? It's going to be fine." Michaela's lip trembled glaring back at him. "No, think about it. How we got here- it's all her fault." Laurel sighed interrupting her, "It's not her fault. We're all to blame." Her voice was very sharp at the end showing her frustration.

She seemed done with Michaela 'whining'. "No, I'm gonna call Aiden." She began to get her phone out but Connor growled her name which caused her to start yelling. "No, I never agreed to this!"

Annora sprung her head up glaring daggers at Michaela, her voice a whisper-yell. "You think I did?! It's your DNA on his body so you're as much a part of this as we are!" She sharply sighed staring at her feet. "Don't act like you're not one to blame."

Connor nodded agreeing with the distraught girl. "You had a meltdown. You could barely form a sentence. So shut up, sit down, and stop acting like a little bitch baby." He looked her up and down before a few feet away.

Michaela scowled at him, grinding her teeth when she spat, "Do not tell me how to feel right now!"

Behind them, the one they were all waiting to arrive, Wes Gibbins, uttered a loud enough, 'Hey.' That made the four jump and the girls let out a small screech.

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