Waking Up Somewhere Else

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Cold, so cold. Dark, and rainy. Wet, water droplets hitting metal thousands of times. Clouds overhead, dark and thundering, the occasional lightning strike. It's becoming clearer now...
Optimus shot awake, finding himself standing on a cliffside, rain pelting him from above, the ground beneath him was a lush green, around him was green. This wasn't Nevada. Below the cliffside was a valley of green, massive trees and unknown foliage, a waterfall some ways to his left, leading down into the valleys river, a gorgeous sight. "Ah, good. Your awake!" The voice rang out in his processor, almost making him fall backwards, catching himself before he hit the earth. "I hope you like the spot~" "What did... where..." He got a sudden helmache and collapsed, mud and water splashed up against his metallic knees. "I brought you here while you were in recharge last night. Came aaaall this way to find a spot, so we could... chat." It seemed to emphasize that 'chat' didn't mean talking like ally's or friends, more so... hostility's.

"And don't think you'll make it back to base. We are far from there, you seem too tired, too delusional, to be around your team." It mocked with a cackle. "Alright, fine. We can 'chat', but what do you want?" The drenched Prime questioned, moments later, his helmache went away and he was able to stand. "Go down into the valley, and find a comfortable spot in the rain. Then we may chat."

Optimus hopped down the cliffside, grabbing the cliffs rocky face with one servo and a ped dragging along the rock side, sliding down in the rain. He then pushed off the rockface and landed onto solid ground, standing up fully and observing his surroundings. Massive trees towered over him, making large, gorgeous canopy's overhead, vines sometimes hung down from these canopy's, which could house flowers of some kind. Huge leaf like plants were scattered across the grassy floor of this valley, an unknown species of plant it seemed, these leaves were whole, solid, no distinct difference between each other besides size and age. No animals in sight, if that waterfall nearby wasn't there, it would be eerily quiet, besides some wind and rain. Optimus wandered towards the riverside, trees reached over this river, latching onto other trees on the other side, causing what looked like a huge forest tunnel. A gorgeous sight, but this place seemed too large to be Earth. Optimus spotted an old but living tree, a thick trunk and probably the biggest tree there, and approached, sitting down at the base of its roots, and resting his optics, safe from the rain for now.

"Look at you, so peaceful." The voice spoke, but... not in his helm. In front of him this time. "So tired from me pestering you. Your sanity is still intact, surprisingly... but it won't be for long." Optimus could hear it in it's voice, smirking at him. He opened his tired optics and looked directly at it. Somehow, it sat there. A shadow of himself. It's general outline was his own frame, but not one bit of color was there, not one noticeable feature besides the outline, and... the eyes. Bright white hollow glowing orbs, gazing at him. "Don't worry. Only YOU can see me." "So a hallucination... great." "Sort of." It shrugged. "But now, let's talk about you. You know I'm driving you mad, so much so that you didn't even react to me existing before you. You have normalized my existence in a matter of days." Optimus shook his helm. "I haven't. I just don't find you surprising anymore. Your just... annoying." It chuckled, rain seemed to pass right through it, nothing affected it.

"But yet, your sanity dwindles evermore. You can barely focus on reality. You even questioned if you were hearing Arcee, or me." It smirked, or it felt like it smirked. It had no mouth that Optimus could see. "That got me a weird look. Frag you for that one." He snapped softly. "Hey, I didn't do anything that time." Optimus sighed. "What did you want anyways?" "To make a deal." Optimus raised an optic ridge in silence, glancing at his optics for a moment. "A deal? What kind of 'deal' is this going to be, exactly?" It fell silent for a moment.

"Kill someone, anyone. A vehicon, a human, anyone, and bring them here, so you can at least have some privacy... and drink as much energon or blood from their frame as you can." It gazed at him, studying his reaction. Optimus visibly winced at that thought, a disgusting image formed in his processor. Gorging himself on dead cybertronian energon or human blood, sucking it out of a lifeless, cold corpse. He felt shivers travel up his spine. "Only once?" He questioned with a slight shake in his words. "Nope. Once a month. I'll leave you be until the next day of drinking comes." Optimus felt sickened. He wanted to reject, but his frame wouldn't let him. He lost his voice within moments and clutched his helm, another helmache. Toying with him. "Declining would bring you further pain. And besides, the souls of the dead you drink from will do me a perfect meal! So we both get to eat." Optimus gagged, but huffed. "Fine, I'll do it. But don't expect me to kill an Autobot or a Human." He snapped. "That is fine. One rule though, the body must be fresh, killed within the day. So, no hoarding corpses." Before Optimus could respond, he felt a wave of tired come over him. "Now rest, little Orion." It soothed. "You can finally relax again." Optimus tried to stay awake, to say something. How would he get back to the Autobots? How would they know where he was? But sleep seemed so close, couple that with the peaceful sound of the rain around him, and he couldn't stay awake any longer, falling into a peaceful, relaxing recharge for once, under the gaze of the one snatching his sanity from him...

(1002 words OwO)

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